Stuff and other stuff

Some more spring from The Compound for you iced over, snowed in people:

I’ve been struggling with a migraine off and on for a few days. Going to the gym has actually helped, along with some other things. Last night I got to laugh at the visiting Minute and Sparky who were here because it was “Survivor” watching night for The Compounders and Lynne. Afterward, I planned to go to bed early, but when I came back to my computer, I had a message from Greg Herren saying, “Congratulations.”

There was only one thing I could think of that could pertain to. Though it’s not on the official Lambda site yet, blog-rumor has it that Timothy James Beck is a finalist in the Gay Romance category for the 19th Annual Lambda Literary Awards. If the lists I’m finding are accurate, it seems so strange to me that this is the first year I paid no attention to the awards and none of the TJB writers nominated our novel, and it’s the first year any of our books is a finalist. Go figure…

There are authors I’m THRILLED to see on the list. Timothy’s on there twice, actually. Greg’s on there twice (once with Paul). FARB is on there. And many, many other authors whose work I’ve enjoyed over the last year. Of course, there are disappointments, too, because some of my favorite works aren’t finalists.

Still, it’s heartening how many books were nominated to choose from. It’s great to see new names that have never been finalists, along with many established GLBT writers. It shows that publishers are still willing to acknowledge this niche market, and people are still buying and reading GLBT work. Congratulations to ALL the nominees and ALL the finalists.

And now… back to writing.

15 thoughts on “Stuff and other stuff”

    1. Yeah, the nominees list has been there for a while. It’s the finalists list I’m waiting for. But THANK YOU as always for the positive things you say about our books. =)

    1. YAY! You’re like a detective! I think MARDI GRAS MAMBO has given you a possible new vocation–well, either a detective or an exotic dancer, take your pick. =)

  1. I believe my actual message was: “Congratulations! And you are too there!”

    When will you all realize and accept that I always know everything first? 🙂

    1. Well, you didn’t know that I really wasn’t here! So clearly, you only know the IMPORTANT stuff first. So what do you think; should we go to NYC?

        1. I agree, and congrats on CHARMED LIVES being a finalist, as well as your being part of LOVE, BOURBON STREET, another finalist.

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