And a reader in Pennsylvania…

One of my online buddies in Pennsylvania recently read A COVENTRY CHRISTMAS. She was kind enough to go to a nearby strip center and take the following photo, which Coventry readers will understand.

Thanks for doing that, Tootie, and for all the nice things you said!

7 thoughts on “And a reader in Pennsylvania…”

  1. That reminds me! My assistant manager, otherwise known as AssWoman; the demon who recommends books faster than they are published; the bane of my credit cards; and more fun pseudonyms… I suggested ‘A Coventry Christmas’ to her, and she ate it up. She added it to her list (yes, she keeps one of these year round) for books to bring in and hand-sell next Christmas.

    If you had any idea the force of retail that just stepped behind you, I think you’d weep. In a good way, mind.

    I mentioned how it must be awful to have an awful manager like the character in the book, and she got all blank and said, “Um. Yeah. Can’t imagine,” and wandered off quickly to move the art books to the front of the store.

    1. and wandered off quickly to move the art books to the front of the store


      Seriously, when I went to that new Borders at the Galleria, they not only have surveillance cameras all over the store, they have staff at the entrances as combination greeters/security with a monitor that shows what those surveillance cameras are picking up, so I guess that store, at least, understands what Keelie’s awful manager did not.

      Please thank AssWoman for me and also, thank you for all that you do. =)

      1. It’s a running gag, hon. See, was AssMan, and then became AssMan2… and then you came along, and what else was there? 🙂

  2. Strip Center? LOL

    Strip Center sounds a little misleading….I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea of me. LOL It was a strip MALL!


    1. Re: Strip Center? LOL

      OOPS! In Texas, we call them strip centers. But if you ever turn to stripping, Tootie, I’ll be glad to inform the Internet! LOL.

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