Because Mother Nature is…

…. Actually, I can’t complete the sentence that titled this entry, though I said it aloud to Tim yesterday. I mean, my mother-in-law could read here! The word I want to use to describe Mother Nature is nothing so mild as “bitch.”

It does include that word we used on Page 23 of IT HAD TO BE YOU, the one that I meant when I told my mother-in-law, “I didn’t write that line!” And I didn’t. Since then, I’ve gotten over my anxiety about what my families read in our novels. They’re grown-ups, and in any case, we don’t write smut. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that, and if I wrote it, I’d make it the best smut I could.)

Still, there’s no reason to let my mother-in-law know that I occasionally have the mouth of a sailor. Actually, in honor of my father, I suppose I should have the mouth of a soldier. By all accounts, he could let fly with the blue language. I never actually heard it, only heard about it from men I dated after they had a few beers with him. Heh.

In any case, Mother Nature has decided that this will be the week she inflicts me with the hormonal headache from hell. Ever tried to write through one of those? In between taking narcotics to help you sleep in spite of the pain? It’s a mean trick to play on me in the final days counting down to submission of a manuscript.

Here’s me… Mother Nature’s plaything. I pity my writing partners and my husband.

23 thoughts on “Because Mother Nature is…”

    1. Well, you made me laugh, which is a good thing. Back in the days when I worked at Bookstop and this happened to me, there were three women I used to call my “Magic Triangle.” I’d sit between Pat (Princess Patti!), Christine, and Susie and laugh non-stop at the hilarious stuff they said. It didn’t make the headache go away, but it stopped me from thinking about it for a while. I love my friends.

    1. I’m being all obnoxious with doing that to photos lately, ever since I did that one of Rex and Tim. It’ll pass, just like my headache. =)

  1. Oh hun! *leaves piping hot tea by doorstop and backs away slowly*

    I’m with you – ever since whatever it was went sideways with my jaw, I’ve had a headache. My appointment to get it fixed is next Tuesday. *wince*

      1. I think the worst ever duration for a full-blown migraine was one March break (reading week), when I had just turned sixteen. I actually lost five of the nine days, as well as something insane like fifteen pounds. I gave myself two black eyes (from pressing my temples), and I cut the palms of my hands with my fingernails.

        On the second day, I suffered through a car ride (my mother had to pull over three times for me to throw up from the motion/light/smells), and they gave me a shot of something at the emergency room. After that, it was all about pills until it finally broke three full days later.

        I lost my vision during that one – everything turned a bright gold that is otherwise quite pretty (I still get aura like that when I’m hit with a full blown 9 or 10 point migraine).

        When I came to, I remember my mother brought me soup, a cup of tea, and then drew me a hot bath. When I got out of the bath, I was actually shaking I was so exhausted – I couldn’t believe I was tired after losing full days. My mother turned to me and said, “I’d give birth any day rather than have a migraine.”

        I wholly, totally, absolutely sympathize – and I really hope you feel better soon.

        And oh yeah, drugs.

    1. Thank you. At least, courtesy of the drugs, I am able to write/edit in short bursts. That’s the only positive–because if I felt like I was failing my work and my writing partners, I’d be feeling much worse.

  2. I was going to be wretched and say that I ALWAYS pity your husband and writing partners—but that pic….my word. Instead, I lit a candle and sent anti-headache energy to you.

    1. It’s helping. And just think. If you’d been wretched, I’d probably have felt MORE pain. Aren’t you glad you controlled yourself? I am!

  3. I hope the headache is gone soon, you look so wiped out. (Beautiful stained-glass window in the background – hope that does’t sound insensitive, I just notice backgrounds!). Take care.

    1. Funny, but as horrible as I look in that photo? The main reason I posted it was because when my face went to black and white, the window looked even better! I figured I was providing beauty and the beast in one picture.

    1. Thank you. It will pass. Or I will be imitating those spiders in that link Todd posted that had me laughing my butt off a little while ago.

  4. Well I am dubious in my belief that you could ever be a bitch, I say be the BEST BITCH you can be.

    Feel better soon….many healing thoughts sent your way…….

    1. Thank you. It’s usually a four to six-day thing, but it could cease early. That would be great. This time, I’m getting up to six hours without pain because of medication, and that’s REALLY helping me write, so trust me, I’m grateful for those windows!

      1. Four to Six days?

        Holy crap. I don’t know how you do it… 99% of mine last a day (or two at most)… and by then I’m ready to murder anything that moves.

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