Confidential to Marika

You asked how I felt about this possibility. So here are my rambling thoughts:

1. I’m not a fan of biopics in general, especially of legendary entertainers, and also when the entertainers are still alive.

2. When someone is unique in the way Stevie Nicks is, it takes a lot of talent for an actor to make the role her own and yet still evoke the subject of the biopic.

3. Could anyone ever really play Stevie better than Stevie plays Stevie?

4. One thing I like about Stevie is that she has brown eyes. Whoever plays her should either have brown eyes or wear brown contacts, or I’ll be bitter.

5. Going back to No. 2, when actors are celebrities because of their real-life “activities” rather than famous for their acting skills, who they are tends to distract from who they play. It’s like Madonna syndrome. It was never the thought that “OMG, I can’t WAIT to see Madonna act; she’s so good at it,” that sent me to a Madonna movie. I see her movies because it’s Madonna, and when I’m watching her, except for “Desperately Seeking Susan,” I always know I’m watching Madonna, not her character. Which is okay. I like watching Madonna. I even liked watching Madonna play Evita. But Eva Peron is dead, she was never the object of my star worship, and–in one scene, Eva’s brown eyes turn Madonna-blue. SEE?

All that being said, Tina Fey, who is someone I like, once said really glowing things about Lindsay Lohan’s talent. Unfortunately, her talent has generally been eclipsed by her behavior. Also, Tina was promoting a movie at the time; it’d have been stupid for her to say anything else.

So, final analysis? I don’t really want to see a Stevie Nicks biopic anyway, and Lindsay is a hard sell for me. But if it happens and she proves me wrong, I’ll buy you Billy Idol’s third or fourth Christmas CD.

15 thoughts on “Confidential to Marika”

  1. Lohan/ Nicks

    I am also in agreement with this. First off, I love Madonna, but I can’t watch her in movies any more. After that last terrible movie, the beach one where she’s stranded, I think I am done. I never even saw Evita!

    Also, I like Lindsey. People here in Nashville have a new found love for her because of some new movie out about a radio station. I believe that Merle Streep (spelling) is in it, too with Tomlin. Anyway, apparently she can act and sing. I have her one song, Daughter to Father, and it’s good, powerful, but not great.

    As for Stevie. There is no one ever that could play her well. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I am so so protective of her. I can’t see Lohan playing her. I can’t see anyone playing her right. However, that being said, I would more than likely sneak into the theatre to see this. Just because of my curiosity of it. Maybe Lohan, like Reese, will pull off this amazing role and make it fabulous! It can happen, I just have my huge doubt

    1. Re: Lohan/ Nicks

      Oh, let me admit the truth. If it happened? I’d TOTALLY see it. I’d just grumble about it. But now that I’ve been 35 so long, that’s sort of to be expected anyway.

      1. Re: Lohan/ Nicks

        well, being older than you, 36 here, I think that you are right about the grumbling. I noticed yesterday, I grumbled about this kid telling me, after missing 4 weeks of class, that she couldn’t make it to school because she has no car. When I asked her how she got there today, she said, Oh my friend gave me a ride! DUH!


  2. Lindsay starred in MEAN GIRLS which is a GREAT movie.

    I have seen one Madonna movie — Shangai Surprise, I have never seen another. Why? Because I saw Shangai Surprise. I didn’t even see Evita – because I don’t really know if Evita is someone we should glamourize — and because well, again I saw Shangai Surprise. I do however have a copy of Don’t Cry For me Argentina on my ipod.

    I am not surprised that Lindsay would be interested, not after her rendition of One Winged Dove. So we shall see … I wouldn’t think that a Stevie movie would be made while Stevie was still around. I mean who would play Lindsay Buckingham – Adam Brody? I wonder what Stevie thinks of the buzz.

    As for the Billy CD’s — yes please!

    1. Oh, you should see that movie Madge did with Rupert Everett. Not for Madonna; she’s pretty damn bad in that movie (freaking weird accent–though she does do some all right yoga stuff). It should be seen because Rupert is hot. Or he was before all the surgery. I haven’t seen him lately. And Benjamin Bratt–also hot.

  3. Don’t hate be, but I actually liked Madonna in Evita. Maybe because it was typecasting. LOL… a spoiled social climbing woman who is adored by foolish fans playing a spoiled social climbing woman who is adored by foolish fans. was Antonio Banderas as Che. LOL

    Yeah the one with Rupert was good…mostly because he was in it!

    1. Oh, no, I’d never hate you for liking Madonna in Evita. I loved Evita, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Looking at Antonio Banderas was a bonus, but it made me cry to see Madonna Eva Peron get sick and die. (I hope I didn’t ruin the movie for anyone. Evita dies; sorry.) It stuns me whenever I think that Marilyn Monroe was only 36 when she died. I want Madonna to still have lots to say as a feisty 80-year-old.

      1. I own Evita, and love it.

        And if Lindsay Lohan plays Stevie Nicks in a movie, I will not be held responsible for climbing a tower with an Ak-47. And I like Lindsay–Mean Girls is a classic….but there is only one Stevie.

        Not even Meryl Streep could pull off Stevie.

        No one can.

        1. You know how Sissy Spacek played Loretta Lynn and it was almost like she WAS Loretta Lynn, so much so that I think she and Loretta Lynn became friends? I think there may be a sleepy-eyed girl out there somewhere who may one day be able to pull that off with Stevie. But I doubt she’s hanging out with a bunch of socialites. Right now, she’s probably having lunch with her kindergarten class.

  4. i’m with y’all – i really, really liked evita.

    as for lohan as ms. nicks? oh lord. i’d have to see it just to view the train wreck it’d have to be. i luv biopic films, but of ALL the people who could be cast as stevie, they’re going with lohan? jeez.

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