I am a terrible mother

I am mighty amused by the Rex and Dash albums (er, iTunes collections) that Timothy and Marika have done as their dogs’ soundtracks. Tim told me he had plans for some other collections, which I won’t divulge here, but which made him take a tape from me so he could get its song list.

I had just retrieved a set of tapes from their secret hiding place in my car. One is a tape that my friend James made for me. The rest are tapes Tim made for me when he was living in NYC and sent to me (with hundreds okay, dozens, of fortunes from his Asian takeout nights–but let me NOT think of the Three Fortunes cover and get bitter).

I LOVE those tapes. Not only because he was giving me music–a practice that reaches back into my earliest and longest-lasting relationships, when my friends and I used to trade 45s–not that I’m old enough to have had 45s, mind you–but because those tapes gave me insights into Tim’s state of mind during any given time.

The other exciting thing was how he chose to illustrate the tapes’ song lists–the tape “cover” and then, usually, tucked inside, a photo of Tim himself. Photo whore that I am, getting a new picture of Tim–new to me, anyway–was as good as getting the tape. I’d gaze at the photos like a teenage groupie-wannabe and analyze the song list and listen to the tape over and over.

I know that I won’t be making an iTunes soundtrack for Margot and Guinness, but that isn’t what makes me a bad mother. Tim just stuck his head in the door to let me know that he was running an errand and would be leaving the gate open. It struck me that I wasn’t sure both dogs had come inside, so we did a quick check. Margot: on chair in living room. Guinness: not in the house. So Tim went back out and called her, but she didn’t come. Suddenly I remembered and flew to the back door.

“Is she in the car?” I asked.

He looked inside the car and started laughing, because there she was, sitting on go. She jumped in the car when I got out the tapes, so she was only there about ten minutes, but still, if Tim hadn’t been going somewhere, I wonder how long it’d have been before I missed her? Poor Guinness.

12 thoughts on “I am a terrible mother”

  1. OMG hahahahhahahaha

    I am seriously laughing. I think I do things like that with Rutlie all the time. Heck, Bob didn’t remember to feed him for two days until I mentioned it to him. (Rutlie never begs for food. It’s a no no) Now, that’s a bad parent, and now i have sticky notes on everything for Bob. Poor Rutlie. But I sure am fattening him up now.

  2. poor guinness!

    mix tapes…good times, good times.

    i burned jen some cds of stuff she HAD to hear (mainly because i luved the cds so) when she lived in florida. she says any time she hears a song on the radio now of something i burned her then, she gets warm fuzzies.

    1. I wonder what people did before we had electronics. Did they send each other sheet music and say, “Play this on the harpsichord and think of me?” Good thing technology is what it is, because I don’t own a harpsichord, and even if I did, I couldn’t play it.

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