13 thoughts on “Tuesday at the Dog Park”

    1. I think Rutlie is probably more happy-go-lucky than Guinness. She sort of wants to play and be friends, but when approached, she usually just cries. To quote singer Randy Newman, “She’s a real emotional girl.”

      1. Rutlie just Throws himself at other dogs, thus pissing them off at times, but for the most part, the other dogs seem to like him okay. Occasionally, there will be a bully around. Rutlie can hold his own, though. So, I don’t worry much.

        You should have seen him with that big cow in my yard yesterday. He was freaking out, and then later, was scared to go outside for a while.

        1. Tim hasn’t taken Rex to the dog park because he figures Rex will do that same thing–fling himself at other dogs, who might not think it’s amusing. Rex is a character.

          There used to be a very large dog in the neighborhood, and he sent Margot into a frenzy. If she saw a cow, she’d probably go permanently insane. And yet, she liked River and he was three times her size.

  1. i’m always amazed at dogs that just hang out and play and have fun at the dog park.

    roxee just wants to walk beside me the whole time and doesn’t want any other dog sniffing at her, much less touching her or trying to play.

    romeo has to bark at all the other dogs (to try to get them to play), but they all take it as him being mean and agressive.

    jewel is so above a silly little dog park. she’s there to be seen by the people.

    so how nice that you & your dogs enjoy the park! 🙂

    1. Now you force me to tell the truth… Guinness runs around like a mad dog and foams at the mouth, unsure how to play but sort of wanting to, but sort of not wanting to. Margot is a sociopath who simply wants to be left alone to sniff the ground in case someone forgot to pick up poop and she might be able to test a new flavor… I enjoy being there with all the other dogs, and I always hope that THIS time, my two will suddenly transform into ball chasing, tail wagging labs or something.

      1. haha

        well, i’m glad to know that my dogs aren’t the only park-retarded dogs.

        i agree that i luv to be there hanging out with other dogs that care to let me pet and play with them.

    1. She tried. But when she found out the Pharoah Hound wasn’t giving away free food, she moved on to someone else. Always hopeful, that Guinness…

  2. Complacent? We should have a painting party (I really do have a one-track mind)…

    Loooooove the dog park! I should hang out there more – maybe someone will let me play with thier dog.

    1. If you go at the right time, you’ll definitely get to play with a dog. There are even lots of muddy toys to throw for them. Of course, since you don’t smell like dog butt, you may end up ignored more often than not…

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