My Eyes, My Eyes!*

*That’s usually Tim’s line, but I need it tonight. He’s good about letting me steal from him. In fact, I won’t say who, but someone complimented me on a particular line that’s in A Coventry Christmas. I didn’t confess that Tim actually suggested that line when he was proofing my novel before I submitted it. We’ll just keep that our little secret.

Since Live Journal was down much of Friday night and most of Saturday, and I’m stalled with what I can do on TJB5, I decided it was probably time to refresh my Web site a bit. I changed some things on the home page and replaced pictures and updated text on a few of the pages. There are still things I want to do, but my eyes are too tired to work on it further.

Just in case you’re wondering, I can do small things to my Web site, but I didn’t build it. Tim did. Usually I can figure out a few things, but inevitably I end up wailing, “Tim! Help!” And he always does. He is self-taught with all of this and does excellent work. In fact, people have paid him for that work in the past. So if you ever need help with your Web site or you want a Web site, he’s your man. But pay him. Please.

Tim never complains, but a lot of people ask him for help with their writing or hit him up for information about publishing or Web design. He’s really generous with his time, in spite of all his deadlines, and I admire that about him. I don’t blame people who can’t pay him; I totally understand that writers and artists usually have very little money. What irritates me is that they COULD thank him publicly. They COULD link to him from their blogs and journals and Web sites. They COULD talk about his/our novels and give us a little publicity in return.


And to all of those who ARE so great about thanking him or talking him (and the rest of us) up, thank you so much. We get e-mail all the time saying, “I heard about you from X’s blog,” or “Z recommended your novel,” and that means so much to my writing partners and me. We frequently mention the artists and writers and other gifted people who inspire and entertain us, and we appreciate every time the same is done for us. I honestly believe that the more successful creative people are, the more it opens doors for other creative people.

A world without art—whether it’s visual, literary, musical—is a world without joy.

7 thoughts on “My Eyes, My Eyes!*”

      1. Thank you, Jeff. And for that amazing e-mail. I was just saying to Linda that the people on LJ have been really supportive of me, of all of us. I’ve come to know some great people through this site.

        1. There were two copies at Borders. I bought one for myself last week. Then Monday I bought their other copy to give to my friend who’s going to be in Costa Rica during the holidays. I figure it’ll give her some Christmas cheer, a taste of home — and romance!

    1. December is a good month to read it! I wasn’t chiding anyone on LJ, btw, because the people I’ve met here are wonderfully supportive.

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