Good Thing

Today Tim and I worked on our not-so-secret project, and I feel so good about it. I’m glad Tim talked about it on his Live Journal because I finally get to say that working with the writers in this anthology has been such a positive experience for me. Not only are they talented, but it’s been a pleasure to get to know them (or know them better) through this process.

I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, because there were some challenges along the way. People who’d hoped to contribute weren’t able to submit in time, or some had really good stories but they weren’t right for this collection. Hopefully, I’ll get to work with them someday in the future.

You’ll be reading lots more about this as we get further along in the process toward publishing. Right now, we’re asking the contributors to hold off on public discussions until every “i” is dotted and “t” is crossed. (You might say we learned something from the time Tim had a story bought and paid for that was inadvertently omitted from a collection.)

I just wanted to take the opportunity to say that I’ve learned so much, met so many good people and excellent writers both in and not in the anthology, and it’s no wonder that today, Tim can turn the world on with his smile.

5 thoughts on “Good Thing”

  1. I am so excited about your project. It seems that you all really just keep going with things to do/write about. I love it.

    How is that Tim can look good no matter what he is wearing or doing? I mean, the man is in jeans, black tee, and a flannel wrapped around him, and he manages to look hot. Alas, if I were dressed like that, I would fit in with the “red neck women” around these here parts!!! lol

    Note: Making Johnny Cakes tonight. Wish you all were here.

    1. “Keelie’s mother had once told her that it took six months to get comfortable in a new home or job, but only three weeks to form a new habit.”

      Where oh where do you get these phrases? My mother would say things like that to me ALL the time, but I thought that was her, not a cliche’ or anything. Plus, I knew she was just trying to make me feel better because I also know that is NOT true. I also love that you use references to lots of things I understand. And Jennifer Boone, well, I KNOW people like her. Sheesh. It’s amazing…I hope everyone reads this book. And you know, I am now asking Santa for a red sleigh because that is an awesome gift. ALthough we don’t get much snow here. I could get those wheels though, and I I need some horses to pull us…ah heck, maybe I will just get a small scale one to put on my table for Christmas. lol

    2. How is that Tim can look good no matter what he is wearing or doing?

      I know, right? I was JUST complaining to Jim on the phone about this Thursday night. I mean, maybe my intense love and admiration for him blinds me to his flaws. But as I told Jim, I’ve had to wake Tim from a sound sleep, and he’s a burrower. So he slowly emerges from the covers, hair a big mess, squinting, trying to figure out who he is and why he’s on this planet, and HE STILL LOOKS GREAT. It’s NOT FAIR. Who the hell looks great when they wake up?

      1. only someone who has a pack with the devil. Check him for signs of 666 or maybe even some kind of sulfer smell. lol

        I wake up looking like a wild freaky woman with one eye that works.

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