But I want the Semi Real Thing

Dear Someone Who Knows Something About Snacks and Soft Drinks,
(and you know who you are),

Is the reason I can no longer find Coca Cola C2 at Kroger because Coke stopped making it, or because our Kroger has sucked ever since they remodeled?

I want my C2 in the can, damn it, and our Fiesta has never carried it.

Coke’s web site? Also sucks, when all you want is simple information. If, however, you want to do a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with soft drinks, I’m sure their site is outstanding.

Upon thinking it over, I’ve realized that Coke’s web site is to product information as MTV is to music videos.

15 thoughts on “But I want the Semi Real Thing”

      1. This is my second answer to you; I deleted the first one so I could put the photo in the original post. C2 has half the calories, half the carbs of the Real Thing, and it’s the only substitute I can bear, because I don’t drink Diet Coke.

  1. Okay, so I went over to the product section of the coca-cola website, and C2 is no longer listed as a product. I then called Natalie at the Coca Cola store, and she said that she thought it was not made anymore, but was not positive, she gqave me a number to their customer relations department and they were closed for the day. Here is the number 800-438-2653 –they should know.

  2. Like Samdewinter says, it’s no longer a product. It wasn’t selling at all, so they stopped. You can check out many companies and their products through stock market sites. These sites show new products versus old ones, and you can see first hand what companies to buy stock in based on their products. You get to see what sells and what doesn’t.

  3. C2 is still available. I can get it from the same people your Fritos Fairy gets your BBQ-y goodness. We don’t sell very much of it either. It was a huge hit when it first hit the market, and then it just kind-of faded out. I’ll pass the Fritos Fairy a note after study hall telling her to pick some up for you the next time she visits her supplier. 😉

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