From the yearbook

Timothy James Beck readers who remember details (and I know you’re out there; thank you for e-mailing) may recall a conversation between Sheila and Blaine in I’M YOUR MAN about Sheila’s nemesis, Sydney. Back in high school, Sydney was on the yearbook staff and was responsible for publishing a photo of Sheila on a bad hair day. Sheila was coming down a flight of stairs and looking at the photographer, which made her appear to have a double chin.

Even on the most stellar day of my life, I never came close to looking as good as Sheila at her worst. Nor did I, to the best of my knowledge, have a nemesis on the yearbook staff. But thanks to Lynne’s yearbook, I do have a scan of the photo that inspired Sheila’s memory.

I was twelve at the time. And yeah. The Beatles were still together. Hereafter, we will return to the “35” myth.

You’re welcome to include humiliating photos of your youth on YOUR live journals…

9 thoughts on “From the yearbook”

  1. Was it intentional, putting that in your novel, or did it bubble up out of your subconcious? However it happened, it’s fascinating, like spotting Hitchcock’s cameos (cameoes?) in his movies.

  2. Don’t we all have those pictures? my mother, for some unknown and god forsaken reason, always…ALWAYS decided to perm or cut my hair right before picture days. I don’t think I have one school picture where I didn’t look like little orphan annie. Or had un even bangs. I always looked like I stuck my finger in a socket for the first few weeks of the school year.

  3. I am trying to find a pic of me in high school, but I think my parents have them all.

    I like this pic. I think it’s really cool because of the style. And you are a cutie,(whether you think so or not in the photo).

    *I like your icon too.

  4. This looks like one of those shots when someone calls your name, and as you turn around exclaiming, “Whaaat??” they snap your picture and run away. HOWEVER, you look totally adorable! The stockings? HOT! The jacket? I would totally wear today. The dress? Has made a fashion loop. Slap a giant belt around it and it’s back in style — who knew you were so hip?! And is that a Dum-Dum in your hand???

    Oh, and I have you beat in the embarrassing younger photos department! Let me use your scanner and I’ll put ’em on the net to prove it. =)

  5. Is that Vincent’s Twiggy dress from “Project Runway?”

    Luckily, my youth occured well before the era of digital photos, and I don’t have a scanner. Therefore, all the embarassing photos of me in my youth can never be posted. This includes my first grade class photo with my Flock of Seagulls hairdo, compliments of my mother, who thought she could cut my hair, and who thought curly hair could be combed straight (or, at the very least, wavy).

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