Dog Dads

A while back, someone sent dogrl an e-mail with the following information:

In a press release today, the National Institute of Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance in the hair of dogs. This substance, called “amo-bacter canis,” has been linked with the following symptoms, especially in female humans:

Reluctance to cook
Reluctance to perform housework
Reluctance to wear anything but jeans or sweats
Reluctance to work except in support of a dog
Physical craving for contact with dogs (may be an addiction)

Beware: If you come in contact with a female human affected by this substance, be prepared to talk about dogs for hours on end.

This has been a Public Service Announcement.

Hmph. I suggested that this substance is just as likely to affect men. I then threatened to provide photographic proof. Ms. Dogrl was on that like amo-bacter canis on a dog. So, as evidence, I present the following photos.

Tom with his girls Guinness and Margot.

Bill, dad to Hailey and Brandi.

Jim, also dad of Hailey and Brandi.

Aaron, proud papa of Sherman.

Tim with his boy Rex.

David, doting dad of Bailey.

Jess with his boy Seig.

Jess with his baby girl Sue.

Jeffrey with his best friend Dakota.

Bob with his boy Rutlie.

There’s just something about a man and a dog…

This all reminds me of a book that Alyson will release on November 1 with a cover that I LOVE. Though Margot and Guinness are mutts and I cherish them, I will always have a special affection for dachshunds. Some favorite bloggers/writers are contributors to this book, so I’d have bought it in any case. The cover is a bonus.

Thanks to everyone who provided or OK’d photos.

6 thoughts on “Dog Dads”

  1. Thanks (to everyone) for the pictures! You know I can never get enough, and when they have dogs in them, too, well…….
    The book looks promising, too. We had a dachshund mix when I was young, and the thing I remember most about him was when he bit my finger after I tried to take the sucker back that I had just planned to give him a taste of. =)

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