TJBfest 2006

For once, I took very few photos while everyone was here. I think because Paul was here and documenting everything so much better than I ever could. Once I get copies of his photos, I’ll post some of them.

The great reunion that happened after Jim’s arrival on Thursday and Timmy’s arrival with Paul on Friday only got better when Greg drove in from New Orleans on Saturday. And it wasn’t just because he opened his trunk to reveal this bounty of BBQ goodness:

Greg is always a lively and interesting companion, and the signing Saturday night went well. We love seeing our friends and readers, answering questions, and talking about our novels. In fact, Nora asked a question that I’ll be talking about in a future post.

An additional treat was seeing fellow author Dean James at the signing, along with other friends including Jason, Jeff, Amy, Don, Robin, and Marla. Lindsey and Rhonda didn’t arrive in bathing suits as promised, but they were sporting T-shirts they ordered with this slogan:

After Greg and Jim treated us to a fun and delicious after-signing dinner, we all came back to The Compound and hung out, talked, and watched dog foolishness. Plus Greg, here in his comfy, at-home attire, signed our copies of MARDI GRAS MAMBO.

Here’s a somewhat blurry photo of the four TJB authors, with a tiny surprise for Todd if he can spot it.

After Greg and Jim left on Sunday, I was a little blue. I got cheerier by driving Timmy and Paul through the Museum District and West U, where you can see Houston roads that look like this. Not too shabby.

Timmy and Paul took Tom and me to dinner at Barnaby’s last night, so Paul could get a unique taste of Montrose. I love that restaurant. A few hours ago, I drove them to the airport (and scored gas for a few cents cheaper a gallon than I’ve been paying for it!). Now the house seems awfully quiet. I may need to take my second nap of the afternoon. Then I have to get to work adding some things to A COVENTRY CHRISTMAS that my editor asked for.

I have a feeling that the new TJB book will benefit from some of the good feelings of friendship of the last few days–plus some funny lines that I plan to steal.

5 thoughts on “TJBfest 2006”

  1. Okay, why are you devoid of BBQ Fritos, they sell those in the vending machines at work!? Why are they not in your area?! It bothers me! It’s so wrong!

    Anyway, I wish I was moving earlier so I could be there when you arrive …maybe someday.

    1. One time, Lindsey found us a case of the tiny bags that go in vending machines. But mostly, Houston just doesn’t seem to realize that NO ONE STOCKS THEM. I think it’s a conspiracy.

      According to Greg, there is a grocery store somewhere in Houston who sells BBQ Fritos. Maybe I can locate them. Maybe there’s a secret society I can infiltrate and get the info. Maybe the map to this grocery store is hidden in a painting. We can write a book! The Frito Code. It’ll be a movie! We’ll be rich!

      Only I’ll never see the movie, because instead of starring Tom Hanks, it’ll star Tom Cruise. And I no longer see Tom Cruise movies.

      Damn. I hate a bad ending.

  2. Greg’s arms are cut! 🙂

    Looks like you all had a great time. The phot of you all togehter, reminded me of this postcard I have somewhere around here of Ezra Pound, James Joyce, Ford Maddox, John Quinn in Pound’s Paris studio. I will have to scan it in, so you can see what I mean!

    1. Re: Eeeeeeeek!

      Ghandi, bah ha ha! You’re so crazy. Shannon would never have said that Ghandi’s arms were cut.

      As for “moist”: No comment.

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