Confidential to some TJB readers

Dear Rusty in Indiana, Shoshana in New York, and Chris in–somewhere–

We LOVE hearing from readers who’ve enjoyed the Timothy James Beck novels, and we answer all of our e-mail. But occasionally, our responses are marked as SPAM by Internet providers and returned to us as undeliverable.

Sometimes, the Internet is a bastard, but y’all are great, and we appreciate your kind words and interest in the novels.

Not really spam,
Timothy, Timothy, Jim, and Becky

5 thoughts on “Confidential to some TJB readers”



      What is causing me more anxiety: a new book on the shelves or tomorrow’s trip to the dentist?

      1. Hoooray! I have a Barnes & Noble gift card that I have been saving just for TJB! Guess where I’ll be going tonight?? =)

        The dentist…SHUDDER… I have a doctor’s apt tomorrow too. It’s early, so if you want me to bring you some ice cream later you just let me know…

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