What was I thinking?

Usually I find something really urgent to do when it’s time to undecorate the tree and whatever all that other stuff is that de-Christmases the house. Only Tom’s been out of town, and I know on his long drive back today, he’s thinking, “Oh, man, I’m going to have to pack up all that Christmas crap.” So Tim was kind enough to bring in the 241 empty bins and I’ve been doing it all day.

Including those damn garlands full of Barbie and Star Trek ornaments. Now say what you will about Barbie, at least she doesn’t mouth off. But as I mentioned before, whenever I plug in the lights to the Star Trek garland, there’s a lot of Warfing and Janewaying and Borging going on.

So every time I unplugged an ornament and put a light in its place, they all had to pipe up again. I was already frustrated because I am so spatially (and space-ially) challenged that I was trying to put some kind of Bird of Prey thing into some other ship’s box. (This would never happen to a Star Trek fan. In fact, if any are reading this, they are probably feeling woozy or belligerent right now.)

Of course, there are always lights that don’t fit, so I had to climb down and get more bulbs. And each time a bulb made contact (and trust me, it was way more than first contact), those freaking Borg were threatening me again, until finally only Spock was left and I was all, “Shut up, Pointy Ears, you live long and prosper!”

Now I’m off to make blackeyed peas and greens so Spock’s wish will come true.

6 thoughts on “What was I thinking?”

  1. 241 bins? Seriously? Wow!

    I may not get another chance to write a personal comment before we leave so, while I’ve got this time, I just want to say all the best with your writing and take care. It’s been great getting to know you and your world 🙂

    1. Okay, no, not 241 bins. I was exaggerating. I think it’s like…um, seven bins and a footlocker. And most of the stuff is still in its original boxes, which takes up way more space than ornaments wrapped and packed together in one box.

      Christina, you ARE coming back, right, after you move? It’s been good getting to know you, too, and I’m hoping there’ll just be a lull before you’ll be posting again.

      Good luck with the move!

      1. Seven bins and a footlocker is still huge!
        Yes, I will be back on LJ once we’ve settled in to Perth.
        The trip itself will take about three weeks (planning to spend at least a week in Victoria catching up with people, then some time in Adelaide, South Australia, before tackling the Nullarbor Plain, which separates the populated areas of Western Australia from the rest of the country).
        Thanks for your good wishes and I’ll catch you in about 6-8 weeks 🙂

    1. Well, the garland itself is just green garland. But we hang it on the arch between the living room and dining room, and that’s where we put all of Tom’s Star Trek ornaments that he gets from Lynne. Then the Barbie ornaments that I get from Lynne go on the garland hanging on the doorframe between the dining room and the kitchen.

      The Star Trek ornaments flash and glow and talk. The Barbie ornaments are silent. Except today, Chinese Barbie hooked up with one of the Holiday Barbies and didn’t want to separate. Too bad. They’ve only got a year before they can hang out together on the garland again.

      This happened before, when Ponytail Barbie wouldn’t let go of Jean-Luc Picard. We’ve kept them separate since, because THAT’S what’s frightening–Jean-Luc going where no Ken has gone before…

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