Sometimes when you feel blue…

A friend from the suburbs with three kids and a busy life takes the time to let you know she early voted and voted AGAINST Prop 2 because she believes in equality for all people.

Another friend calls you when she’s on the way to the polls and tells you that the ONLY reason she’s voting is to vote AGAINST Prop 2.

Another friend sends you an e-mail the day after the elections, and I’m just quoting this one because she expressed herself so well:

I was *so* sad last night. I expected Prop 2 to pass, but not by such a huge landslide. It’s depressing to live in such a hateful, bigoted state. What bothers me the most is that I’m sure the vast majority of those who voted for it are so-called “Christians” doing their church’s bidding. Since they love to quote scripture (very selectively, of course), I’d like to remind them of this one:

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice,
to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

And I’d like to ask them, “What part of ‘do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly’ do you not understand?”

These three women are all straight. They are all Christians. They all make me remember the good in the world.

As does the nearly eighty-year-old Republican woman in Connecticut who sent me a donation for our NO/AIDS signing next week.

As does lovely Lindsey, whose company, at her suggestion, printed flyers to promote the signing.

As do Lindsey’s parents. And Rhonda’s parents. And Tim’s parents. And my mother, who struggles with our modern voting machines but wouldn’t even consider not voting, especially AGAINST Prop 2.

As do people who respond to my Live Journal rants and say kind things to me.

There are so many loving and compassionate people. They may be very different from one another, and sometimes very different from me. But they just GET that our differences don’t have to be barriers. We’re all in this together.

Thank you. I do feel better.

6 thoughts on “Sometimes when you feel blue…”

  1. My son has to memorize parts of the Declaration of Indepence, and this passage really struck me after your entry yesterday.

    “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

    Proposition 2 sounds like a direct attack on that statement.

    (and after hearing that recited 500 times last night, I really can type it from memory)

  2. I told Tim yesterday, before you got back to the Compound that Rhonda had made a very good point: Fortunately we can say that everyone we are close to, that we care about and who care about us voted against the Proposition. So at least we are not fighting any personal battles, which in the long run would be much more painful.

  3. It is kinda strange, how these kind of things bring out the worst in some, and the very best in others.

    It’s kinda funny, most of the straight people that I know who have actually gone ahead and gotten married since Paul and Greg met, and now divorced, or on the way to getting divorced, Paul and Greg, still together, and they still love each other.

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