An anniversary and more

Happy anniversary, Timothy J. Lambert. This week marks the tenth year since the night we first met/talked in an AOL chat room. Two days later, you sent me this photo when I politely asked for one.

Hello, gorgeous.

After I finished licking my computer monitor, I began working toward my degree in TimStalking. I got my Ph.D. in record time; in fact, I believe I graduated with honors on the stairs of your fifth-floor walkup in Hell’s Kitchen on a rainy February night. (You’re so jumpy sometimes.)

My true genius in this field of study was that I was able to abduct you in A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER and not only did you come with me willingly, but you loaded your stuff in the van. All except for that one shoe you left behind. And your porn collection. And your roommate, who I kind of also wanted to abduct. And I’d have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for those pesky–oh, wait. Different story.

Goodbye, Manhattan.

I have faithfully continued to hone my expertise in this field, have consistently published, and can say with all confidence that I AM the world galactic expert on Timothy J. Lambert. Why, sometimes I know things about you that you don’t know about yourself, and I’m always happy to share that knowledge with you. No, no. No thanks necessary.

Thank you for opening your heart to Rex and bringing him to The Compound. You two help make this a wonderful home.

Another person I met this month in that same chat room was a man who turned out to be my real-life distant cousin, Ron. You and Ron already knew each other, and the time came when the three of us were a Fierce Fighting Force against bigots and snerts in our little AOL paradise. (Some may disagree with that assessment, but I put them on ignore long ago. And btw, {s photon}.)

Ron often talked about his Gal Pal, Lisa, and in the fall of 2002, you and I went to Dallas because those two drove a couple hundred miles when Lisa bought tickets for Ron’s birthday to see your mom Cher in concert on one of her farewell tours. (You and I couldn’t go, of course, because of that little restraining order; like many artists, your mom Cher can be so sensitive.) We were excited to meet Ron in person for the first time, and we found out that iffy/yucky apprehension that sometimes comes with meeting the friend of a friend was entirely unjustified in Lisa’s case. We adored Lisa, and she and Ron were the soul of patience with us as we dashed from bookstore to bookstore in Dallas to sign our novel if it was there and pout accept it with stoicism if it wasn’t. They were wonderful, and I still remember that great little Celtic shop with fondness. Happy tenth anniversary to you, too, Cousin Ron.

You three in that other big city in Texas.

Last year, thanks to Lisa (okay, she did have some help), the most amazing and beautiful person came in to the world. And tonight, I found out that person has excellent taste in reading material. Here is Miss Sadie letting us know that, really? The best life has to offer is our friends and the stories we write on our hearts with them.

45 thoughts on “An anniversary and more”

  1. Raindrops on Roses

    Has it been 10 years? Time flies, I guess. It’s been great getting to know my cousin and the elusive “Tim”. Can’t wait to see you kids again. I am reminded of how much I wish I had a stalker. Oh well, “Always the stalker, never the stalkee” as they say.

    Cute baby…you know she’s mine, by the way. I think we should do something to mark this 10 year thing…I mean I’m sure you and “Tim” will, but maybe the three of us should go beat up a basher in some chatroom and say dirty words and risk being TOS’d in honor of the old days.

    1. Whiskers on kittens

      In your dreams she’s yours. Behave.

      I think all the AOL chat rooms have our picture on the wall with a sign that says, “Do not serve.”

  2. Don’t feel bad about having your picture up…there are a few BEST BUYS that have my picture on the wall too. Those restraining orders are pesky little things aren’t they? Oh hell I only threatened a FEW boneheads with having me rip their balls off. Believe me, they take that sort of thing sooo seriously. Gee wiz.

  3. You two aren’t those Most Marvelous May Figments who magically appear in old Louisiana buildings, each time I’ve visited New Orleans. But, that’s so hard for me to grasp, even though the photos debunk it all. : )

  4. Anniversary!

    Hello, gorgeous.
    Boy, he is gorgeous in that pic! He’s usually cute, but he’s down right sexy as hell in that pic. I also love the picture of he and Rex he has at the top of his journal. He and Rex just look so adorable together in it.
    Ellen, feeling sentimental

  5. Happy anniversary, Becky Cochrane. It’s hard to believe we met when you were but a wee lass of 25.

    Rex isn’t looking at me in that photo. He’s looking at the ghostly orbs falling out of my armpit.

  6. First photo very Lou Reed… COOL.

    So when you were chattin Tim up on AOL, did you do the a/s/l? thing? Was your creenname HottTexASS … you’re a dirty girl.

    1. OMG, no. I was a married woman. I remember exactly what our first conversation was about–Geminis. And our second was about his coffeemaker. 😉

      As I recall, Tim and I bonded pretty quickly over books, Stevie Nicks, and our common enemy–the a/s/l people that crashed our chat room. It was NOT a pickup room.

      I’m sorry to dash your image of me as a dirty girl. Why must you force me to always admit how boring I am?

  7. Happy Friendi-versary! Isn’t it great when you finally meet those people whom you insticntively know are a part of you? What a wonderful post. It made me happy reading it.
    That’s a great pic of Tim, but where’s the first pic you ever sent him of you?? Or is Marika right about the dirty girl thing? =0)

    1. Forever this was the only photo of me that was shared on the Internet. Don’t make fun of Tom’s ‘stache or my hair–it was 1992. I’m holding Stevie (female–named for Stevie Nicks and Stevie Ray Vaughan). Tom’s holding Pete (whose name came from one of my father’s nicknames given to him by his students because of the Mod Squad character Pete Cochrane).

  8. That first picture of Tim really falls into that enigma category. He is an intriguing person.

    Congratulations for your friends with each other. I love that you both are such a perfect fit. I think it’s wonderful when friends seem to know you best. I was just telling Gary, “what the heck did I do without you in my life?” lol Friendships indeed. I have 6 people in my life whom I consider real friends. That’s all I need. It works out perfectly.

  9. Oh and I think the baby is adorable, too. She’s has beautiful eyes. And have I mentioned, Rex is my hero. He’s so handsome and really cool. I remember when you first got him. Or when he first adopted Tim. He’s a good dog.

    1. “I believe I graduated with honors on the stairs of your fifth-floor walkup in Hell’s Kitchen on a rainy February night. (You’re so jumpy sometimes.)”

      Don’t ya wonder what she grabbed that made him jump?

      1. Absolutely. And don’t you love her “I’m a married woman!” line? Like 48 Hour Mysteries doesn’t do a “Wife leads secret life ” show every month. Talk Show hosts built careers around that.

  10. Awww…happy friendiversary to the two (three) of you!
    That baby is really cute! So is the little girl.(She’ll someday be a teenager!)
    In the second picture, I thought “Wow, that’s quite a tattoo Tim’s got on his chest.” 😉

  11. Wow

    It’s been five years since we all met that blustery day in the Big D?!??! We need to get together again before five more years pass. Sadie is usually up for a road trip. Usually. We’ll just pack her some Cochrane novels for the ride.

  12. Awww… I heart this post. And I heart that I’m lucky enough to get to know you guys. =)

    And you could slap a brand name anything on that first photo; and I’d buy it. Sex totally sells; and Tim is rather sexy… you know… for a guy. 😉

  13. Has it been 10 years? I mean…I remember when Tim moved down here and we all realized we were in stalking distance of each other. Doesn’t seem that long ago.

    BTW, is Miss Sadie starting the new “Reading is TOT!” campaign?

    1. Reading is TOT! You’re pretty clever there, Rhonda.

      It doesn’t seem like ten years, or like six years ago in October that Tim moved here. I think we’re probably all having too much fun.

      (Particularly Marika, at my expense. She must be punished.)

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