Sunday Sundries and WYR? No. 5

Some random things that are purple:

A Christmas angel. A perfume bottle. An inner self manifestation bowl. An amethyst crystal point. Tiny medicine sachets with herbs and spices. And the 3000 Would You Rather Questions book, from which I chose…

No. 409. WYR take a photo with Santa or the Easter Bunny?

Mother, Debby, and me with Santa in Salt Lake City, 1990.

WYR? No. 4

No. 888. Would you rather go back and get to do high school all over again or have all your debt paid off?


“GET TO” do high school all over again? I’ve heard there are people who think of high school as their glory days, but I not only don’t think of high school that way, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to return to their high school years. There are dear friends I knew in high school who are dead now, and I wish they were alive, healthy, happy, and only as far away as a phone number. I knew good people in both my high schools and had a lot of fun along with my teen angst, but NO. PLEASE, Magic Genii, if you must yield your power on my behalf, take my debt away. I’d rather live unencumbered by debt now than live in the past. I’m fine with my gray hair and wrinkles.

WYR? No. 2

No. 1969: Would you rather ride on your favorite band’s bus for a month or become the personal assistant to your favorite celebrity?

PUT ME ON THAT BUS. I’m not even sure who my favorite band is. I can think of several. Doesn’t matter. It would be the best research in the world for the things I write, AND it would probably lead me to other sources for more research.

So, hey, Ryan Bingham, hit me up. I’m ready to roll.

Photo by Rodney Bursiel