When you have some time for yourself

Shawn and I seem to be checking out each other’s blogs/journals for goodies. The following is something I’ve meant to do for a while. For various reasons, last year was a difficult one for me. When I said that to Tim one night, he said, “But when was the last time you had a year you felt that way about?” When I thought about his question, it completely shifted my focus to how many really great years I’ve had since the last “bad year.” Since next year’s going to be a bit of a landmark for me (can you believe I’ll turn 35 AGAIN???), it’s a good time for reflection. If you need some of that, too, consider the following (and thanks, Shawn!):
Continue reading “When you have some time for yourself”

I support dealers!

Book dealers, that is.

If you are interested in rare and collectible children’s and illustrated books, check out EMMAURICE Books.

If you are interested in rare, used, and out-of-print books with a focus on mystery, science fiction, and horror, check out Christine Kovach, Bookseller.

Maybe you’ll find the perfect gift for yourself or some hard-to-buy-for person in your life.


Fear of dentists? Not me. I love my dentist. His entire office staff is wonderful. Even his office is wonderful. It’s located in one of Montrose’s historic houses. The windows overlook a landscaped back yard with a fountain. The dental chairs are comfortable. The music is classical. It’s almost a treat to go to the dentist!

Until today, when I took my mother to her appointment, and Jack the Office Manager said the most frightening thing to me. I quote:

Today’s my sister’s birthday. She’s forty-nine. She recently had twins after going through her first pregnancy!

Thanks, Jack. Now I have tocophobia.

Thank you!

For everyone who’s calling and e-mailing, thank you for making me feel that we’re doing the right thing. The skies are just beautiful. The house has been safe through eighty years of tornados, hurricanes, and floods. Normally, I wouldn’t even consider leaving. But Katrina’s images from New Orleans and Mississippi took “normal” right out of my vocabulary.

Everyone be safe. =)