30 Days of Creativity: Day 29–Layers

The Adventures of Katnip: 49

“Cookbooks are magical, too,” Cuddle said.

I wasn’t surprised that a critter made by Russell Stover wanted to re-create a chocolate cake from the old Good Housekeeping Cookbook we ran into.

About 30 Days of Creativity here.
Full Katnip set here.

Katnip’s spirit was willing, but either my chocolate, my tools, or my skills were weak, because my chocolate shavings only crumbled. It doesn’t matter: Happy Pride, Houston! I baked you a cake.

30 Days of Creativity: Day 11–Nostalgia

The Adventures of Katnip: 31

“Perhaps we should have taken into account that neither of us has a driver’s license before we started this trip down Memory Lane?”

Today Lynne and Lila took me to lunch at 59 Diner. The staff was gracious enough to remove their pink Cadillac from the display case so I could use my phone to shoot Katnip and John Riley with it. Thanks, 59 Diner, Lynne, and Lila! Speaking of nostalgia, back when the only 59 Diner was at the Shepherd location and we lived in the suburbs, this was where I used to bring Lila’s father Jess–he wasn’t much older than Lila is now–for a treat. It was “our place.”

About 30 Days of Creativity here.
Full Katnip set here.