World AIDS Day 2005

Steve. Died 1992.
What the world lost: Your gentle spirit. Your rich laugh. Your beautiful voice. Your bravery. Your brilliant mind. Your calm disposition. Your love of music and books and art. Your wisdom.

Jeff. Died 1995.
What the world lost: Your sharp wit. Your political passion. Your desire for justice. Your strong will. Your anger. Your generosity. Your love of beauty.

John. Died 1996.
What the world lost: Your twinkling eyes. Your mischief. Your humor. Your zest for a good time. Your vulnerability. Your gentleness. Your sweet nature.

Tim. Died 1997.
What the world lost: Your courage. Your compassion for anyone who was hurting. Your boundless love. Your ability to give comfort. Your protectiveness. Your kindness. Your strength.


To answer that burning question that was provoked by Rio, according to Wikipedia:

Connie Chung’s last public appearance was as a guest on The View in 2005.

MSNBC announced in November, 2005, that Chung will host a currently untitled weekend news show on the network with Povich. The show will premiere January 7, 2006, with replays of each show airing throughout the weekend, and will feature a variety of topics and guests.

Now where the heck is sometime LJ commenter Perfectly Frank? Can Wikipedia tell me that?

Chasing a dream

I am so happy for my friend Tandy. After 25 years in the corporate world, Tandy decided to focus on what work would make her feel truly fulfilled and happy. She wrote and published. She taught belly dancing. She became a partner, friend, and mentor to several people as they developed their entrepreneurial talents. As one of my clients, every time she came to me, I felt like I got as much or more from our sessions as Tandy. She coached other people on how to pursue their dreams.

And then she decided to chase a dream of her own and move to Bali to open a hotel. But not just any hotel. From Tandy’s web site:
Continue reading “Chasing a dream”


Here’s why I am a lousy movie critic. I WANT to love movies. Unless they are way over-hyped (Titanic), which usually compels me not to see them until long after everyone else has seen them three times and has finally shut up about them, I go into a theater with a totally open mind, desperately wanting the movie to be good and forgiving a thousand transgressions so that I can be swept up in movie magic.

A waaaay long time ago, I made a RENT movie date with Lindsey. I loved RENT both times I saw it on stage. I’ve listened to the cast recording a zillion times. And other than watching the trailer and reading a few reviews today, I tried to avoid too much RENT: The Movie exposure.

Tonight was our first opportunity to see it in Houston, and I went with Lindsey, Rhonda, Tim, and Tom. Yeah, there are changes–some good, some not. Yeah, there are some songs missing. But it didn’t matter. I loved the movie. I loved the casting. The movie magic worked.

And I loved the industrial tissues that Lindsey provided us before it started. Thanks, Lindsey! But I’m still mad that Tim forbade me to sing. Maybe I’ll go back by myself and MOO. Heh heh.