Walking in the rain with the one I love

Scene 1 from the Home Office window:

Tim and River walking up the driveway in a light drizzle so River can make the yard his own personal toilet.

Scene 2 from the Home Office window:

Tim and River jumping puddles as they scurry down the driveway when the drizzle quickly becomes a downpour.

Flashback scene:

Earlier today, as I was cleaning up three dogs’ own personal toilets, Guinness snagged a rat, who promptly squealed in terror. I shrieked and Margot hustled to get a piece of that, then Guinness lost her grip. I don’t know what happened to the rat, but both dogs seem fine.





Greg Herren!!!

Greg Herren, did you ever know that you’re my hero???

Once again, Tim and I have been remiss about going to check the authorial post office box, so tonight on a run to Kroger’s to buy a big fat hen (me) and dog food (Tim), we stopped and…..

YES! Philanthropist Greg Herren answered the call of Sally Struthers on our behalf and shipped us Bar-B-Q Fritos™. If I had a digital camera, I’d take a photo of Tim and me, big smiles, each with our own bag.

Thank you, Greg! Jewels in your crown, karma points–and may all your books be bestsellers. =)

Tim’s and Jim’s planet

Mercury does not go retrograde until July 23, so what IS wrong with the universe? Recurring modem problems, air conditioners breaking down, computers dragging, things costing more than they should. At least R&L closed on their house and Greg got moved before that planet started messing with us.

Speaking of the universe, the moon was beautiful tonight. But no one howled.

I really need to get to work

Things that intrigued me before noon today:

My LJ Friends’ entries. (And waiting for an update on R&L’s house closing.)

Meandering through comments on ‘Nathan’s Live Journal and giggling over a discussion of a live web cam that had a Book Crossing book on it.

Meandering through comments on Greg Herren’s Live Journal and finding a sort-of meme from Poppy Z. Brite, who got it from someone else, asking, “What would your Self of 11 years ago think of the Self you are today?”

Any takers on that one?

E-mail from FARB. Rob always makes me laugh. Yesterday I was talking to author Dean James, and we agreed that writers need to share more of their experiences with one another. Definitely over the past few months, other authors have helped me keep some perspective on this profession that is best suited for masochists.

Lost, not found

In 1998, on my first trip to NYC, accompanied by my friend James, I met Timothy J. and Timmy in person for the first time. Another special someone suggested I do one really touristy thing while there, so he took Tim and me to the top of the Empire State Building.

I’d taken my Canon 35mm on my trip, but it was large, so I purchased a smaller Canon in NYC that slipped easily into my coat pocket.

It also slipped easily out of my coat pocket, into the back of a cab, with a finished roll of film inside that included most of my great photos of the Tims as well as my shots of the Special Someone with Tim and me at the Empire State Building.

Occasionally, I try out various phrases in Google pictures to see if anyone developed my film and tried to get the pictures back to me. Amazingly, this actually happens for lots of other sad tourists. If only craigslist had existed back in 1998.