
Now that my mother has moved into her own place, I’ve moved my office from Tim’s apartment back into my old space. And even though it’s nice to be home and have the dogs breathing behind me, and even though Tom made the space better than it used to be, and even though I know Tim was weary of me being in his space… I still miss it. Tim has good energy, and I appreciated being a part of his home.

Plus… that left him without online access, so he’ll have to bring his laptop here to be online. Which doesn’t bother me at all, but I know what it’s like to be displaced.

My Obsessive Pisces Friend

Steve got a new cell phone today. It will preoccupy him for several days. He will know it backward and forward, understanding all of its functions. It will rule his life. I still have a hard time looking up a programmed number in my cell phone. I’ll bet Steve was an easy kid. They just gave him a new toy and didn’t have to worry about him.

The boy likes his toys.