
I’m sending out a get-well wish for Shannon, who broke her leg yesterday. It’s hard to see a positive side, unless this is nature’s way of forcing you to take it easy and get some much-needed rest. I hope your recovery is quick and you aren’t bedridden too long.

At this point, I’m just babbling

I told Tim if I ever finish this chapter I’m struggling with, I’m throwing a party for one. I think he’s in the same predicament. People will either love or hate TJB5, but at least please know the writers poured themselves into it.

Speaking of parties… Tom, Tim, and I left The Compound tonight to celebrate the upcoming nuptials of Rhonda and Lindsey at a party given by their bridesmaids. I took many photos but feel I should have permission before I go publishing any on the Internet. (I don’t know why this time is different from all the others, except my writing partners finally just gave up, beaten down by nine years of my asking, “Oh, was I not supposed to share that?”) It was great to be out, great to run into Tim’s exes, great to run into Tim’s future exes, great to run into Tim’s former coworkers–wait, who was this party for?

Seriously, The Brides have a fantastic group of friends, some of whom I’ve met before, others that I know only by reputation or comments on R&L’s Live Journals. A night out was fun and relaxing and informative, because breasts can be edible. Okay, ONE photo…
one is missing because Scott ate it

Tired and Thursday

There are some days when I can’t imagine living anywhere other than where I do. There was a lot of stuff to take care of Thursday (which made me miss an important phone call, but hopefully, the caller will be in touch on Friday).

One of my errands took me to see John, who works at the office that meets all my mother’s insurance needs. John helps put together Halloween Magic, which raises money to be distributed among HIV/AIDS assistance organizations. John’s wit and enthusiasm never fail to lift my spirits, and it was “Timothy James Beck’s” pleasure to donate two complete sets of signed novels for their charity auction. (And Debby, if you’re reading, John says it’s time for you to come back to Houston! He wants to laugh with you again.)

Back at The Compound, it was tempting to just sit still and appreciate the weather. In the fall, Houston provides some days so stunning that it’s easy to forget the summer. But I wasn’t idle. Tim and I had a good discussion about TJB5. We knew we weren’t going to have our usual Thursday night writers’ meeting because Jim is using that blocked off time to read and edit the manuscript.

Plus we had an important evening planned. Lynne came here after work and we ran a few errands, then Rhonda and Lindsey arrived because Tim, a/k/a The Wedding Bitch, had arranged for them to see and taste a sample of their wedding cake. It was fabulous and will be delicious and beautiful. I can’t believe their wedding is coming up so soon!

Tom had brought lots of pizza home, so we ate, watched Survivor, and devoured wedding cake. Then we just sat and talked and said a lot of things like, “Down, Rex.” “Margot, come in here!” and “No, Guinness, you already ate.” Tim said, “Shoes,” a lot. In fact, that was the first thing he said to me today, because of a video that I can’t link to because YouTube is down. He cracks me up.

Lindsey changed the wallpaper on my cell phone because she’s evil, but later, Rhonda changed it back. Lindsey has finished reading A COVENTRY CHRISTMAS, but since Lynne hasn’t read it yet, and Rhonda still has a chapter or so to go, Lindsey was considerate enough to reassure me that she liked the book without giving away any details. Yay, my first feedback other than from my writing partners or family members!

I loaned Rhonda A LITTLE TWIST OF TEXAS. I really enjoyed reading this book each night before I fell asleep. Since Rhonda has a motorcycle, I know she’ll enjoy it, too. But the book is about so much more than just a road trip. I’ll save more praise and specifics for a review.

You can’t beat a day when you feel like you’ve helped the community, gotten to hang out with great friends, and combined wedding cake with Survivor (right now, I’m all about the Puka tribe).

Oh, and check out these photos, because someone is leaving these in Austin and Houston–mostly all over our neighborhood. I love Montrose.

Strange and sad

Our weather is being quite lovely. It’s strange to realize that on this day last year, we made our decision to evacuate because of Hurricane Rita. Still stunned by images of what Katrina had done, our biggest motivator was getting my elderly mother somewhere in case we lost power or had any flooding. Among other health concerns, the heat alone would have been deadly to her.

Of course, like so many Houstonians, we got caught in the gridlock and weren’t going anywhere. Something like 15 miles in eight hours, I think.

So we went to Green Acres where we found friends and food and card games. I’m sad, because even though Rita spent her fury elsewhere, the year since has brought losses we never anticipated back then. I am still so grateful to Lynne and Craig for taking such good care of my mother, Tom, me, Tim, Margot, Guinness, River, and Lazlo.

I remember when we came home and Tim and Tom were cleaning up the yard, because of damage from high winds, that we got a delivery of candy from Frank, someone we knew through Live Journal. A few weeks later, we stopped hearing from Frank. Wherever you are, Frank, thank you again.

Snack Purgatory

I’m in the crabby mood that was predicted by Button Sunday. Not toward the people and dogs (and one cat) on The Compound, however. They’re great.

But whose idea of a cosmic joke is it that these things exist: BBQ Fritos, Coke C2, and yet not within easy access of me? Clearly, this is not a world run by an Aries.

Here’s something for the Tim fans. Timothy J. Lambert looks really hot today. Not in the “oy, it’s so humid” way. In the good way.

What? You want photos?

Now you know what it’s like to live in Snack Purgatory.

We are pleased

Thanks to Rhonda, I now know my pirate name. This information may be valuable in the future.

My pirate name is:

Captain Bess Read

Even though there’s no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you’re the one in charge. Even though many pirates have a reputation for not being the brightest souls on earth, you defy the stereotypes. You’ve got taste and education. Arr!

home again, home again

Back at The Compound and trying to get focused. What would I do without coffee? Today’s coffee cup is brought to you courtesy of Timmy and Paul and their recent vacation to scenic Maine. The Black Moose in Bar Harbor has no Internet presence, so I can’t provide a link.

Looming over the cup is a graphic that was useful in keeping my setting accurate in A COVENTRY CHRISTMAS (my printout has all the businesses, streets, and homes labeled). Coffee helped with that, too.

Thanks for the coffee cup, guys!