Timothy James Beck readers who remember details (and I know you’re out there; thank you for e-mailing) may recall a conversation between Sheila and Blaine in I’M YOUR MAN about Sheila’s nemesis, Sydney. Back in high school, Sydney was on the yearbook staff and was responsible for publishing a photo of Sheila on a bad hair day. Sheila was coming down a flight of stairs and looking at the photographer, which made her appear to have a double chin.
Even on the most stellar day of my life, I never came close to looking as good as Sheila at her worst. Nor did I, to the best of my knowledge, have a nemesis on the yearbook staff. But thanks to Lynne’s yearbook, I do have a scan of the photo that inspired Sheila’s memory.
I was twelve at the time. And yeah. The Beatles were still together. Hereafter, we will return to the “35” myth.
see my adolescent humiliation