For Lisa in IA, with plenty of adverbs and adjectives!

A sad, silly tale of sensible shoes…

I have not worn high heels or sexy shoes since the 1980s. My aversion to said shoes is probably the reason why my chick lit partial was rejected and why Sarah Jessica Parker will never be my BFF.

But in the field of sensible shoes, as I expressed to Lisa, Born shoes rock, and I have a few pairs.

However, the sad truth is:
read sad truth here

Project Runway

Tonight was the “Project Runway” reunion show. I have to say that I was very pleased when they decided to go with four finalists instead of three. I think each of the final four has a vision and the ability to start a line. I’m looking forward to seeing what they do for Fashion Week.

I do admit that I sighed tonight for what might have been when I saw Alison, Keith, and Malan. It sounds like Malan is doing okay, though. Maybe Alison will get a shot on another season. As for Keith… I guess we’ll never know the real story.

But Vincent is a train wreck.

And Tim Gunn is flawless.

From the yearbook

Timothy James Beck readers who remember details (and I know you’re out there; thank you for e-mailing) may recall a conversation between Sheila and Blaine in I’M YOUR MAN about Sheila’s nemesis, Sydney. Back in high school, Sydney was on the yearbook staff and was responsible for publishing a photo of Sheila on a bad hair day. Sheila was coming down a flight of stairs and looking at the photographer, which made her appear to have a double chin.

Even on the most stellar day of my life, I never came close to looking as good as Sheila at her worst. Nor did I, to the best of my knowledge, have a nemesis on the yearbook staff. But thanks to Lynne’s yearbook, I do have a scan of the photo that inspired Sheila’s memory.

I was twelve at the time. And yeah. The Beatles were still together. Hereafter, we will return to the “35” myth.

see my adolescent humiliation

And another season has begun

I didn’t even mention that the third season of “Project Runway” kicked off last week. I was in the ‘burbs that night, so we watched the pre-show and the first episode over the weekend. I already know who I do and don’t like, but why talk about it when I know that it will change over the next few weeks? Ultimately, there will be someone I adore, and then I’ll get really invested.

Last season, I got lucky with Daniel, and I still feel affection for him.

All I have to say about the first episode this time is:

How the HELL did this not get Bradley eliminated?!?