So I’m a few hours late on this…

Because I went to bed Wednesday around 8 p.m. feeling a little battered by life, I’m late on this happy birthday post to my sensational friend and writing partner, Jim, whose birthday it was Wednesday. Happy birthday, Jim! And since he once humored me by letting himself be photographed just the way I wanted him to be, I’m going to post one of those Becky-demanded photos and consider it a little gift to treebreeze, because Thursday is his birthday, and who doesn’t like a cowboy on his birthday. Happy birthday, Todd!

Hope both of you get appropriately spoiled by the people who love you, because there are so many of us in your lives.

For Lisa in IA, with plenty of adverbs and adjectives!

A sad, silly tale of sensible shoes…

I have not worn high heels or sexy shoes since the 1980s. My aversion to said shoes is probably the reason why my chick lit partial was rejected and why Sarah Jessica Parker will never be my BFF.

But in the field of sensible shoes, as I expressed to Lisa, Born shoes rock, and I have a few pairs.

However, the sad truth is:
read sad truth here