My friend–actually more a member of my chosen family–Paul has written a script and is producing a movie, Brilliant Mistakes. You can read more about it here, and if you’ve ever wanted to be part of the film industry, giving a contribution will provide you that opportunity.
I was lucky enough to be asked for my input on the script, which I happily provided–that’s another way to make a contribution, right? And today I was totally surprised by this gesture of Paul’s gratitude, a wonderful cup from Tea Horse Studio. Now I’m not saying Paul can give you ALL a present like this one if you contribute. But he can make a terrific movie for you! So pony up!
Don’t worry if you think any donation you could make is small–as we all know, a lot of so-called “small” contributions can change the world–or can make a movie, and that movie may change the world. Or it may at least make people consider getting OFF THEIR PHONES when they drive, and aren’t we all wishing that would happen?
Thank you so much, Paul, and I wish you great success.