Just Say No

Based on this article, maybe it’s time for a few celebrities to join Brooke Shields in a Just Say No to Scientology campaign. If some celebrities think it’s okay to poke around in other people’s medical decisions, wouldn’t it be only fair if the offenders’ religious beliefs were treated with equally intrusive disrespect?

It’s the seventies all over again, with an updated version of “Battle of the Network Stars.” I’m grabbing a Tab and some Pop Rocks and sitting back to watch.

Rupert Everett, Eye Feast

One of Tim’s birthday DVDs, recommended to me by Dean James, was a movie called Unconditional Love. It’s a big old sprawling movie that’s silly, funny, sad, and has the daughter-in-law from hell–or is she? Kathy Bates, Dan Akroyd, Jonathan Pryce, a few cameos, and the delicious and talented Rupert Everett (pre-plastic surgery). Anyone else seen this movie?