Photo Friday, No. 925

Current Photo Friday theme: Many

Many Pennys.

Created in 1963, and sold as late as 1970, by the Deluxe Reading/Topper Toy Company, the Penny Brite doll was intended to be a solution for parents who wanted their children to play with fashion dolls who looked younger than the dolls in the Mattel line. In 2007, Charisma Brands reintroduced the doll, along with additional outfits and a carrying case, for $69.95. I don’t know what her original price was, but likely in the three- to five-dollar range.

Tiny Tuesday!

Eva Ruby, the tiniest member of the Batpack, did start coughing less over the weekend, so we thought things would be okay. Then yesterday, her appetite went away, and in the evening, we feared we saw a little blood in a liquid-y stool (sorry; dog people overshare). Off she went with the Supreme Ruler of Her World, Tom, to the emergency vet. After x-rays, bloodwork, and no coughing for the doctors, she was thought to be on the mend from whatever caused the cough. For a dog her size, eating even a blade of grass could have irritated her throat. She had no fever, nothing too alarming in the x-rays, but her bloodwork showed she was severely dehydrated. So she got sub-Q fluids, anti-nausea meds, and about four hours worth of monitoring before Tom brought her home. Now she’s on a bland, small-portion diet several times a day, and the credit card bill is not so tiny. Worth it for that smile and our peace of mind.

There is one topic about which Eva is serious and wants to have a word. (We think it’s from hanging out in a house with too many fashion dolls.) She says, “This is the day after Labor Day. Pack those white shoes away immediately. You’ll see them again at Easter and beyond. Yes, Florida, even you. If Texans can pack away their white boots and strappy heels, so can you other coastal fashionistas.”

Into the closet. See them next spring!
Approved year-round choices.

She does, however, make allowances for sneakers, tennis shoes, running shoes, and gym shoes. This is not simply because they’re sporty. They’re also optimal dog-walking shoes. Priorities…

As for me, I tried to rewatch this 1998 movie while Tom and Eva were at the ER. There was a lot of stopping and restarting because of ongoing texts. It was still fun seeing Sigourney Weaver play Katharine, a treacherous boss, and Melanie Griffin play Tess, who’s smart, sweet, and sexy. As she tells Harrison Ford’s Jack (why are so many RomCom leading men named Jack?), “I have a head for business and a body for sin.” A stellar supporting cast portraying working women (Joan Cusack is gold, as always) and sleazy men (though there are good guys, too). Bonus: A brief but good appearance by Olympia Dukakis as a personnel director at an employment agency is one of several characters who show the value of women mentoring women in the workplace.

Sunday Sundries

The plan for today is to keep working on Book 7 of the Neverending Saga. For some reason, I’m in the mood to listen to Holland, a classic Beach Boys album among Beach Boys fans and collectors.

Thinking of Holland in general, I decided to show this assortment of items from the dresser in the master bedroom. From left to right, that’s a ginger jar that belonged to my mother and still has potpourri that she put in it. (I don’t think it has a lot of scent anymore.) On the bottom, she wrote “Lola, 2001,” so possibly it was a gift to her from Aunt Lola. Next to that is a blue and white candle bowl which may have come from Bombay Company. If so, it was likely a gift from my mother to me (she liked to shop there for me, and I liked their merchandise). The three in the middle: a small ashtray, a windmill, and two Dutch boys sharing a kiss, were all gifts from our friend Steve C after he went to The Netherlands one year. On the far right is a vintage vase that Tom’s parents gave us from his grandmother’s house after she died. She was the only one of his grandparents that I got to meet, and I just adored her mischievous humor.

Behind these items is the Holland doll from the Arco Gasoline Dolls of the World collection. I had several of those when I was a child, and somehow they were donated or discarded. A few years ago, I replaced the ones I’d had thanks to the magic of eBay!

I rewatched 1998’s Hope Floats this morning. It’s categorized as a RomCom, and I do really like it, but I’d forgotten how sad it is, too. I’d also forgotten how uncomfortable the beginning is, because it hits a little too close to home related to an incident from my past. Thankfully, my humiliation wasn’t televised in every time zone. That part will go well with what I’m currently writing.

The main reason I picked the film was to honor the late Gena Rowlands, who plays Sandra Bullock’s mother and is a longtime favorite of mine. In mid-August, I edited a post from July 25 to note that Gena Rowlands had died on August 14. I’ve appreciated seeing so many tributes to her on Instagram. She truly was a gifted actor with a long career.

ETA: Couldn’t resist some of these photos that have shown up on Instagram of John Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands. Their longevity as a couple seems like an uncommon thing in their business.

Photo Friday, No. 921

Current Photo Friday theme: Toys

The toy chest overflowed long ago. There are toys in every room of the house except maybe the kitchen and bathrooms. We never had children, but our friends and family did. The toy chest is never this organized and never left open, or four dogs would turn Houndstooth Hall into the Great Beanie BabiesĀ® & Friends Massacre.

Sunday Sundries, the Nostalgia Version

Because of comments on this website, I decided that today’s topic is Blog Nostalgia. Here are blasts from the past.

“From September of 2014 to July of 2016, I, Snoopy, used to be a big deal around these parts on Saturdays!”

“Hi, it’s me, Katnip. For over a year, I tried to decipher clues that sent me and my sidekicks John Riley and Cuddle on 58 adventures to find something called ‘Lil Eddy.’ Finally, on March 10, 2014, as pictured here, I was about to meet my destiny. And the story and posts just…stopped. It was fun while it lasted.”

“Bon jour, remember us? We were the LiveJournal blog’s original Runway Monday models. We kicked off twelve seasons and helped add dolls models to someone’s collection–more than anyone wants to count. Then our designer decided to put away her scissors and needles or she stopped watching “Project Runway” or something. JUST LIKE THAT, we were mostly out of jobs except for occasional cameos. These days, a few of us pose as doll models for a writer’s characters. The writer looks a lot like our designer–except ten years older.”

“EXCUSE us! Some of us ALSO appeared on seasons of Runway Monday, three of them in fact. Same designer, same sad relocation to bins after the flood destroyed the bottom of our display cabinet. Don’t ignore our contributions just because we’re monsters.”

“At least all you dolls came through the flood okay. We were part of the Magnetic Poetry 365 project in 2011. Some of us didn’t make it out of the Harvey flood. It’s okay. Magnets may vanish, but words and poetry are forever.”

“We’re the Legacy Writing banner from 2012. Yep, an entire year of nostalgia featuring photos representing memories, family, and friends. The best part is… We STILL make frequent appearances here. Sorry to the dolls and action figures who were ‘retired.'”

“It’s me. Roxanne. NO NEED TO SING THAT SONG, please. I kicked off a series called “Pet Prose” in January 0f 2017. It featured rescued dogs and cats who are writers. You’d never guess we weren’t written by a human because we chose to tell regular stories, not be ‘talking animals’ writing about ‘animal things.’ By December, 56 of us had a chance to be creative and use our voices, even as we found new and safe homes to live in. We think it may have been the thing the content creator enjoyed the most, but DON’T TELL THE OTHERS.”

“This little happy book series goes waaaay back, a chance to be interactive with readers on Wednesdays from 2008 into 2010, and later guest appearances on special posts. You picked the numbers, the book gave you answers. And sometimes, the content creator gave you photos with your answers.”

Hope you’ve enjoyed this little trip down memory lane.