Monday morning you sure look fine

Sitting here all haggard and bleary-eyed after a serious lack of sleep. A certain dog whose initials are Guinness was having some kind of issue that meant she paced or walked in circles all night. She was still doing it this morning, but now seems to be okay. I’ll keep an eye on her today, just in case. What I don’t get is: WHY do dogs always get actin’-crazy-sick in the middle of the night, forcing a refrain of emergency vet? wait it out? emergency vet? wait it out? to run through people’s minds for hours when they should be sleeping?

Guinness’s ordeal gave me time to look over some of my favorite photos and think of some of my favorite moments from last week. Even though I was sick most of the week (nobody took me to the emergency vet, either), it was still a good time.

This is just a photo I took while I was downtown watching the mad rush at the post office on tax day. Houston is a fun city to shoot at night, because though we have skyscrapers, there’s lots of space between them.

It was a week of wonderful things for some friends. venusunfolding moved into his new home with Matt. I’m looking forward to photos as they get settled in. And I’m wondering if our torrential rainstorms over the weekend made their move a soggy adventure.

davidpnyc finished his MFA thesis! One day I’m sure I’ll be buying the novel that will come out of it. Congratulations again, David.

Lila looks like quite the little rock star in these glasses that the Easter bunny brought her. Lynne got some great photos of Lila eating her chocolate rabbit, but my favorite image of the day was when Lila got her first swallow of a Diet Coke. Her eyes got all big, she immediately wanted more, and Laura shook her head and said, “Crack in a bottle.” We Southern girls do love our Coke, and after all, Lila’s grandmother was born in Atlanta, home of Coca Cola.

more behind the cut

Tax day and other things

I’m thinking I might live. I was able to eat two things Friday, plus I went to the gym. Tons of thunderstorms rolled through from the afternoon until nearly midnight. Rex and Margot: not happy. Guinness: thinks eating could be a great cure for foul-weather fears.

Another tax day has come and gone, and even though I didn’t feel so great, I couldn’t resist going to the downtown post office to see the last-minute filers on Wednesday night. However, for the first time ever, I couldn’t get NEAR the post office, even though I left the house well before eleven.

click for photos behind the cut

Friday’s Five Fun Dog Moments

1. Caught Dexter and Rex watching Desperate Housewives.
2. Dexter dragged plastic plates out of the recycle bag and played with them all over the house.
3. Rex hasn’t moved for the last four hours. (Dexter is away for a potential-home visit; Tim is also away.)
4. Margot didn’t snarl at any other dogs today. Also: no emo poetry.
5. Guinness ate two dill pickle slices meant for Rex. Hoping Rex doesn’t contact his attorney.

Hump Day Happy



Sorry to be so late, but today has been a little hectic at The Compound. I did buy myself an hour or so of blissful calm by handing out raw marrow bones to the hounds (as pictured above). This made them very, very happy. I’d give each of you a raw marrow bone, too, if I could. Since I can’t, if you’ll comment with a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25, I’ll just find something in this book for you. Bon appetit!

Remains of the day

Friday was one of those days when I did so many varied things that I feel like I never caught my breath. I even had a post planned, but not only didn’t I have time to write it, I haven’t read all my e-mail today, I’m not sure I’ve ever pulled up Facebook or Twitter, and I haven’t checked out most of my daily online reads.

I really like Dexter, Tim’s foster dog of this week (and maybe longer; who knows). He’s Tyson’s brother, and half the time I call him Tyson. I also call him Baxter, Butcher, and any other word that pops into my mind. In all the dogs’ best safety interests, Tim’s been keeping him somewhat sequestered. I was working on my craft project outside, and the day was gorgeous, so I didn’t feel like sticking the dogs indoors. I decided it was a now-or-never kind of thing, and let Dexter and Rex be free outside together, now that they’ve had a few days to get used to sharing space. They had a blast, thank goodness, but I was ready should they have needed some intervention. Since it went so well, I let Margot and Guinness join them outside. Margot gave him her standoffish treatment, and Guinness had to bark at him occasionally. Neither dog fazed him. He has too many other things to explore to worry about a couple of cranky females. Like–oh joy! He and I stumbled onto a murder scene. The victim was a bird, and we must have almost caught the killer just after the act. There were feathers everywhere. My money’s on Sniper Cat, the one who sits on Tim’s roof.

All the dogs kept me company while I worked outside. Then later, inside, Dexter and Rex traded a bone back and forth without getting mad at each other. Dexter and I played tug-of-war with a rope toy. He sits when asked, but is still learning to lie down and come when called. Once Tom and Tim were home for the evening and we were ready to eat dinner, Tim brought both Rex and Dexter over, which was a first. I’m sure he was happy; he hates being left alone, as did Tyson. I believe Tim said they were neglected as puppies, so that makes sense. Hopefully he’ll find his ideal forever home, just the way Tyson and EZ did.

This weekend is going to be hectic, with all of us having obligations pulling us in different directions, but I’m hoping to find time to do that post–with photos of the now-completed Mystery Project. I hope everyone else has a fun and relaxing weekend planned and/or gets over their various illnesses.

Is that slug I smell?

I’d love to fill you in on the frenetic and fascinating things going on in my life, but I just realized that I FORGOT to have a frenetic and fascinating life. Damn.

I do have a creative project in the works; photos to come.

This is assuming I can actually muster up the energy to do the project. I sit at my desk or lie in bed at night for hours, wide awake, trying to figure out what I want to write and if I even have a writing career anymore. Then during the day, I could literally sleep for twelve hours without moving if life would allow it.

Life doesn’t allow it, however, so when all things align exactly right, I’m still going to the gym, the post office, the grocery store, and the bank. Between napping, reading (at last count, I’d read sixty-five books over the last ten months), and avoiding housework, I have long conversations with the dogs. I don’t know if those conversations are as boring as this post, but the dogs seem okay as long as I don’t sing.

Funny, they never complain when Tim sings.

Happy Tails

Today Tim took The Compound Dogs to Happy Tails Dog Spa for the Annual Charity Dog Wash. This year, the dog wash benefited Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Houston. Happy Tails is also a vital part of the great work done by Scout’s Honor, rescuers of Tim’s former foster dogs EZ, Tyson, and Gypsy.

Some Compound dogs seem to have appreciated the event…

more than others…

Button Sunday

I’ve been wanting to use this button for a long time.

I’m a Quilt Diva not because I quilt. This Aries doesn’t have the patience for that kind of detailed work and delayed gratification.

But I love quilts. This is a composite of sections of all my quilts.

The big one in the center is from my late friend Jeff. One is from my late friend Steve R, who got it from his deceased partner, whose grandmother made it. Four of the quilts are from my mother (she didn’t make them, but bought them and gifted them to me over the years). I found the little pigs in an antique shop; they were made from quilts over a hundred years old. The rest of the quilts Tom and I have collected during our twenty-plus years together.

The quilts are on beds in our house and Tim’s apartment. Some of them hang. Some are part of pillows or table runners. Some are folded in stacks on our window seat. Nothing (except food) makes Margot happier than when I drag a quilt to the couch or the bed for a nap. She snuggles under it, or lies on top of it with her head resting on my ankles. Guinness lies next to it. A few days ago, Tim came over while I was sleeping and whispered to the dogs to come outside. He said they pretended they had to stay in and guard me. But I know they’re just Quilt Divas, too.

Day 5, Note 2 from a Slug: This Magic Moment

It amuses me when Tom buys a big batch of chicken feet to add to the dogs’ raw food because it feels like we have Voodoo Kitchen. I tried to take a picture of Margot and Guinness eating their chicken feet, but there’s not a camera fast enough to capture such a snackfest.

As you know, Tim is dogsitting EZ for a few days while her forever person is out of town. Since EZ doesn’t play well with other dogs, Rex spends his days over here. Don’t pity him. Sure, he doesn’t get to hang out with Tim, but it’s like going to Grandma’s house. Here, he gets TREATS, including not only a chicken’s foot, but his usual spoonful of yogurt while the girls are eating their dinner. When he finishes, he’ll have a temporary yogurt goatee, but even CSI wouldn’t be able to find a trace of yogurt on that spoon.

Lucky dog.