Good grief

I have been trying to post ALL day but keep getting distracted. I have the attention span of–squirrel!

There was an odd noise this morning somewhere in the bungalow. Tom said it sounded like a weird gurgling in the hot water heater. I thought it sounded like an armadillo doing calisthenics in the refrigerator. It’s possible it may have been the sound of life ending for some rats in the attic (Namaste, rats). But nobody’s going up there until Exterminator 2: Judgment Day plays here in a few days.

Poor Margot has a sick foot and had to go to the vet. Tim picked her up after her appointment and also brought The Big H for a visit.

A rat for me to play with?!?

I love rats!

Tasty, tasty rats.

The wienerbrats were MOSTLY good girls today. They picked up a few bad habits from whoever raised them, but I firmly believe that you CAN teach old dogs new behaviors, so I’m working on it. One thing they must stop doing is terrorizing Pixie. Just because she’s five times their size doesn’t mean she doesn’t get her feelings hurt when they conspire, then on a signal none of the rest of us sees, full-on charge her with ears flapping and gums yapping.

Some more shots behind the cut if you click here.

Pitter patter of little feet at The Compound

Today was adoption day for Scout’s Honor, the animal rescue organization where Tim volunteers and through whom he fostered EZ, Tyson, Dexter, Maverick, and Pixie, with some overnights from several other dogs along the way. Once Tim adopted Pixie, putting the forever dog count on The Compound at four (including his Rex, and Tom’s and my Margot and Guinness), I think we knew future fosters could probably be only for weekends and shorter visits.

Except…today he texted me a photo of a couple of little rescues whose mom could no longer take care of them. At eight years and eight pounds each–well, I have a soft spot for this breed. So for at least a time, until they either find a great foster setup or the ideal forever home, we’ll hear the tiny clicking of mini-dachshund nails on the hardwoods again.

Meet Esther and Amber:

Margot and Guinness think they’re pretty silly, but so far, everyone gets along.

They like to sleep on the dog bed on my office floor, but right now, they’re burrowing UNDER a dog mattress inside the largest crate. They are two very sweet little girls who any home would be lucky to adopt.

Overall, I’d say I really like this weekend a LOT better than the same weekend last year. In 2009, it was great to see Greg and have king cake, but this year, Tim is safe at home with Rex and Pixie and that’s the best gift of all.

A Dog’s Life

This is the BEST.DAY.EVER to be a dog at The Compound.

First of all, the exterminator is here–will be here for several hours, giving the canines reasons to sporadically break into howls and barks. He’s doing an exclusion at Tim’s apartment. For those who don’t remember the Great Rat Ordeal of Aught-Six, the exterminator did the same thing to the house because we had a darling group of rats–RATS! Not mice!–colonizing the attic. After the rats began dying and tried to kill Margot, we made a treaty. They would go away and we’d let bygones be bygones.

Sadly, in rats as in humans, a new generation comes along and refuses to heed the lessons of its elders or honor their peace pacts. Since these rogue rats couldn’t get access to the house, they decided to settle in the mostly unexplored territory of Tim’s apartment. (I say mostly because there are those pesky palmetto bugs who like to vacation there a couple of times a year, and that one squirrel who tried life as a squatter in one of the walls back in 2000.) Now the exterminator will deal with the rodents of a new generation and close off all their access points. Instead of using poison and risking more Margot drama, he’ll be setting traps. Which means that Tim, Rexford, and Pixie could potentially be awakened several times a night by the snap, crackle, and pop of rodent carnage.

In addition to the exterminator, Energy Company No. 1 came to check our meter, because Energy Company No. 2 has pretty much destroyed my happy mood since January 4. Over the howls of the hounds, the two [utility company name redacted] dudes gave me lots of useful information that may help us resolve a River Oaks-sized power bill in our little Montrose bungalow and garage apartment. (At least the rats are warm.)

Just when the dogs thought it couldn’t get any better, the mail carrier came at the exact time That Dog We Hate was being walked past the house. I’d write more, but they’ve finally fallen asleep, and I don’t want the key-tapping to wake them–d’oh! The exterminator just knocked and the hounds are back on the job!

Sneaky Pixie

How does a dog hide the evidence INSIDE a folded up sofa bed? That’s where Tom found the rest of the rotary cutter that I mentioned in my last post. Not only did she manage to hide it there, but how she got it in the first place from a room that’s usually inaccessible is another mystery. Maybe she’s learned to open doors?

She’s Pixie! Have you met?

At least now I know the blade is not traveling through her digestive system. Thanks, Tom!