LJ Runway Monday: A Little Bit of Fashion (PR 7:6)

On the most recent episode of Lifetime’s Project Runway, the designers were asked to create a look for children. My child model is a friend of Kelly, Barbie’s preschool-age sister, and is named, coincidentally, Becky.

Of course, as is usual with Project Runway, the day after getting their challenge, the designers were presented with a twist. They were also expected to create a companion piece for their models.

Models… No one who knows Summer thinks she wouldn’t be where the action is. Yep:

Vancouver! Before you start wondering why Summer’s with a different guy every week, I should tell you that this Olympic medalist is only a close friend.

Fortunately, the beautiful Gina was available to walk with little Becky down the runway. How do they look?

Please click here to see.

Hump Day Happy–Artist’s Edition

Sorry to be so late with this today, but I have been, as my mother would have said, out ratting the streets. Errands to run. Happy ways to indulge myself. And especially enjoying another gorgeous Houston day before we either get dreary weather again or jump right into summer.

To compensate for being late, I photographed the happiness book in front of someone’s (not my) in-progress painting. Since it’s only a tiny fragment of the whole, I’m hoping she won’t mind. In any case, I know she won’t sue me. She’d be afraid the court would award her two wienerbrats.

If you want something to be happy about from this book, please comment with a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25. I’ll start dinner while I’m waiting for you. =)

LJ Runway Monday: Run for Cover (PR 7:5)

On the most recent episode of Lifetime’s Project Runway, the designers were asked to create a look for a very special client: PR’s own Heidi Klum! Even better, Heidi would wear the winning design on the April cover of Marie Claire magazine.

When I heard about this wonderful opportunity, I knew exactly who I wanted to dress for the runway. So I was almost sad to hear from Summer. What if she wanted to be my model for this challenge? Turns out she was just e-mailing to say hello and send a photo that was taken as she was leaving for her Valentine’s Day weekend getaway.

So who would be wearing my design on the runway?

Please click here to see.

Looking for love?

Amber and Esther love you!
The wienerbrats, on the pillow (belonging to Lynne) that I had to mend…
after the LAST time they were allowed on this pillow. Innocent looking, aren’t they?

Since I was at the fabric store to buy material to patch the dog pillow, I picked up the fabric you see on their collar covers. Hearts!

Do you need MORE love? More hearts?

Sparky loves you. Paco loves you.

Margot loves to be left alone. Guinness loves you and food.

Pixie and Rex….


Pixie and Rex love you.