I saw this meme on ravenspb and asked for a letter. I got “R.” Hmmm…
Comment and I’ll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own.
1. Friends with “R” names including Rhonda, Riley, Rob, Robin, Ron…
2. Rock and roll.
3. Ranch dressing.
4. Rothko! Probably my favorite artist ever.
5. Rumours, the Fleetwood Mac album.
6. Rocks and rock houses.
7. Roses.
8. Readers, especially those who send mail.
9. Reading and rereading my favorite books.
10. Rex and River, Tim’s current and former dogs.
Alrighty, I am game. What’s my letter?
Your letter is C.
whats my letter Vanna!
Your letter is L.
I’ll give it a try.
I love that Fleetwood Mac album.
Your letter is M.
Me! Me!
I’m ready to give it a shot!
Your letter is F.
letter me, please.
my livejournal-ing has been sadly lacking lately.
Yes, you have been sadly absent. I would punish you with a “Z” but that might make you leave LJ forever, so you get the fabulous “P” as your letter.