The insanity intensifies

ETA WARNING: There are “Survivor” spoilers in this post’s comments.

No, I’m not talking about politics. I can’t read or discuss the news right now without fighting the compulsion to hyperventilate and stock the shelves with canned goods.

As you so often have heard me boast, I don’t watch much TV. We record our soap each day and watch it during dinner if nothing else is going on, or catch up on the weekends if the week is busy. I watch Project Runway because even though I know squat about fashion, I love to see creative people at work and try to get inside their heads.

On occasion, I have slipped into a glassy-eyed (but fascinated) state when an America’s Next Top Model marathon is on. It’s that damn Tyra Banks, I think. She is (brace yourself for this most overused word) fierce. Aside: Is “fierce” the word that finally knocked out “fabulous?” If we use “fierce” and “hunker down” in the same sentence, do we know we’re finally as on our way out as a Britney Spears husband?

So when Tim asked if I wanted to watch an actual first-run season of America’s Next Top Model, I nodded with enthusiasm. And we’ve missed it twice, so all hail the ability to watch episodes online. It didn’t occur to me that it was SEPTEMBER, and September means Survivor. Which starts tonight. So now I’ll be watching eight hours of television a week. That’s a WORKDAY of television.

Who am I?

17 thoughts on “The insanity intensifies”

        1. I think this is the most animated reaction I’ve seen from Tim in several seasons. Mostly because they brought so much stupid with them to Gabon. However, I’m giving Fang props for that fishing hook they made.

  1. I’m right next to you.
    Stockpiling the canned goods.


    I ADORE Survivor

    (And, sadly, have been looking forward to the beginning of the season for months…)


      1. Hmm.

        I’m sort of torn.

        I was terribly impressed that the Red team (at this hour, I am totally blank on their name…) fashioned a successful fishing pole and used it, effectively!
        That is a true survivalist skill ~ so I was really pleased for them.

        A few people I’ve found pretty annoying ~ but that tends to happen with a group so large…

        So far ~ I rather like the resident physician. He is friendly toward Charlie and I rather like Charlie, too.

        But wow.
        This season “Ego” seems to be a resident of Eden…

        What are your thoughts…?

        1. We just kept laughing and wondering, Do they never watch this show? Stop wearing suits and heels–no matter what the “Survivor” people tell you you’re meeting for (a photo shoot, perhaps?), wear what you want to be stuck in for 39 days! And after seeing that trick with the glasses, I recommend including fake glasses or underwire bras so you can snag the wire. That fishing hook was smart.

          I think Fang did pretty well in that last challenge (even though they lost), but mostly they’re a disorganized mess. This early in the game, strength isn’t the issue–it’s being able to quickly commit yourself to team work. Kota is doing that better. (Ace=EGO, yes!)

          There are lots of people to dislike, but I find that I usually flip sometime during every season, and people I start out disliking grow on me, and I lose my infatuation with those I liked early.

          Charlie’s like an over-eager little puppy with Marcus, but hey, props to them for quickly forming an alliance of four.

          Bowtie Bob is kinda sweet and capable–I hope he lasts a while. Unfortunately, thanks to Tim, I’ll never be able to think of Randy as anything but “Head Wound Harry.” And what about Dan on Exile Island? HELLO, “crater,” Dan. CRATER. When he started looking in the water for the hidden idol, I wanted to slap him. Good move on his part to empty his bag at Tribal Council, though–it looked like he was a target to flush out the idol, or maybe they’d already committed to voting for Gillian. At least that showed team-think.

  2. I don’t watch as much as I used to, but I have yet to decide on any new shows. I only lost one regularly watched last spring with the demise of the short-lived Women’s Murder Club. Unfortunately for me I just found out a new Real World/Road Rules Challenge just started and that’s just too much of a trainwreck to miss. LOL I do multitask while watching usually except for Lost; it requires my total attention.

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