Somebody that I used to know

Yesterday I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 9 pm which would have been terrific if I hadn’t woken up at 1 AM raring to go when I should have kept sleeping. Instead I read, and finally slept again, then didn’t wake up until noon. I don’t like that at all.

Sometime in my early sleep shift or second sleep shift, I dreamed we were living in the house of our next door neighbor from The Compound days. Even in my dream, there was still a pandemic. It was my usual cast of thousands dream, but among them was somebody that I used to know. I’m pretty sure Mr. Sea Sparkles prompted that appearance. Thanks for that (you know who you are, bestower of gift).

In case you haven’t heard this song since it played 692 times a day back in 2011, I leave it for you now. Hey, maybe it, too, works as a ghost song.

6 thoughts on “Somebody that I used to know”

  1. I had my oh look at all the dogs I’ve ever known my entire life have come to greet me and make me feel all happy again dream. I imagine that this is what happens when we leave this life to begin anew for the next one.

    Now, the next dream I was all about the guys I’ve ever known my entire life, for sure!

  2. Aaron is the one that played that song for me and we both loved it. It was the last song that we heard together in the car before he left me. I still love it

    1. I remember where I first heard it–on someone’s blog–and I played it so much. Later, it made me sad when I realized it was probably describing the breakdown of that blogger’s marriage.

      Music is so powerful for so many reasons, and I’m glad you still love the song and it can be something you remember sharing with Aaron (even with the sad association).

      You’ve probably heard me say before–One Republic is one of the best gifts Aaron ever gave me. I knew only one song by them, and then found out how much he liked them. So I began buying their music, and in the years since he died, it’s been so healing for me and a way to acknowledge a range of emotions, and always makes me feel connected to him.

  3. Thank you Becky. I love being able to discuss Aaron with you because I know how much you loved him and he you. So many people think that if they do not bring him up that it is better for me but what they don’t know is that it makes it worse. I need to talk about him, I need to discuss and yes, even repeat the same stories about him over and over. They are the only stories I have, I cannot make new ones. Thank you for being that person.

    1. I will ALWAYS be that person when you need. I love your stories, and he loved stories, so I think we should tell them.

      I remember one time I said to Tim about something, “I’ve probably told you this story before.” And he said, “I don’t care. I’ll listen to it again.” I remember thinking, Now THAT is a friend.

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