Hump Day Happy

Dear Readership:

I know the only way to keep you coming back is to give you something to actually read–well, that and post photos of Tim, but I think he retired from my LJ in late 2007, and I haven’t yet found a good enough bribe to lure him back into camera range. I’ll try to be better about posting, because I miss your comments. And your fondue.

As you may have surmised, this woebegone Compounder has been sick and demanding my attention for a few days:



Guinness has been as poop-shy as Tim has been camera-shy, which means I’ve been spending a lot of time outdoors cajoling her (with an equal lack of success). When I went out this morning, I noticed the tiny, TINIEST, little bits of green on the part of The Compound lawn that had been nothing but dirt on Sunday, when I last posted a photo.


Look HARD for the brand new baby grass testifying to Tim’s hard work. 

Throughout the day, I’ve returned to find that each time, there’s a little more green. There are some other nice sights, too.


Last January, Lynne gave us a potted azalea, and it has suddenly bloomed:

The morning glories are so in love with the newly moderate weather that they’ll stay open most of the day:

And there’s this beauty, blooming outside Tim’s apartment:


While shooting those for you, GREAT HAPPINESS arrived at The Compound when Guinness finally, FINALLY left a gift on Tim’s new grass. Because I cherish you, I won’t force you to see a photo of that. Instead, I’ll give you an odor-free skunk:


and the opportunity to comment with a page number between 1 and 611, and another number between 1 and 25, so the skunk can give you something to be happy about. (Please feel free, as always, to keep commenting for as many days as you wish. Happiness has no expiration date.)


35 thoughts on “Hump Day Happy”

  1. Back from a 2 week business trip to the other side of the world. Definitely needing something to be happy about.

    Page 408, #1.

    Rick, OH

  2. Your pictures are wonderful – the flowers, in particular.
    I love flowers…

    I would like to choose the numbers 5 and 4, for today, please.

    Thank-you and Happy Wednesday!
    It is so good to see you.

  3. Ahh, glad the poorly one’s getting better . . . well, you too of course, Nurse Becky!

    Your flowers are just delightful – thank you for sharing.

    Okay, I’ll have another go – 525 and 9.


    1. For Dash:

      “sliced London broil with sautéed onions and melted cheese on rye”

      (Tell Dash to hold the onions, which have a cumulative and toxic effect on him.)

      For you:

      “football terms”


    1. Thanks! I’m hoping colder weather holds off until this grass has a chance to grow up and make something of itself.

      And from the skunk:

      “remembering to take the shampoo into the shower”

        1. You’re welcome, and thank Alfie from Guinness.

          I think if you lied and told Alfie he was getting shampooed, he’d be glad for you to ignore him! (Unless he’s one or those really cool dogs who LIKES baths.)

  4. Hearing that Guinness is feeling better (and pooped!) and seeing the beautiful flowers, especially the morning glories for me, should be enough. But, I’ll take page 244, number 15 as well, please.

    1. (I hope you got my e-mail, too, with the more detailed poop report, because who’d want to miss that?!?)

      From the skunk:

      “reverse hair permanents”

      (You mean you can REVERSE them? Those awful things that are done to your hair as a child? Then how can they be called “permanents?”)

      1. Yeah, I got your email. I meant to send you one back…but went to bed instead. Sorry. I was really glad to hear that she was doing so well, though. I’d been fearing that she had to have surgery to remove some blockage, like our neighbor’s dog did once after swallowing part of a ball.

        Maybe the reverse hair permanents are to straighten curly hair. A couple people I work with do that. Being someone with stick straight hair, I guess I can’t relate.

  5. Can I have page 2, item # 5, please?

    Because I cherish you, I won’t force you to see a photo of that.

    I’ve got “Cherish” stuck in my head beautifully now… but– I submit to the court– which version?

        1. I think Marika and I are planning to do a steamboat ride next may. Does this mean you’re going with us? We’ll let the moonlight do the dancing. You don’t have to–unless you want to, that is.

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