It’s Wednesday…

I like a challenge and the chance to use my new camera. If you want one of 14,000 things to be happy about:

please give me a page number from 1 to 612 and another number between 1 and 30. I’ll not only tell you what the book says, I’ll endeavor to include a photograph in comments just for you.

I can’t promise the photo will have anything to do with your answer. Because honestly, what can I do with something like page 487, number 23, “Joe Pepitone, former Chicago Cub baseball player?”

47 thoughts on “It’s Wednesday…”

    1. “mental alertness”

      From my personal collection of stones, this is desert rose, whose metaphysical uses are to ground you and clarify your thinking, mental vision, and perception. It quiets worry and brings out your practical side.

    1. “haunted houses”

      This sent me on a fun adventure. I took a lot of photos, but this house made me feel the saddest, so I chose it.

    1. “weekend bicyclists who collect jacket patches the way gourmet cooks collect recipes”

      Who cares about their patches because–hello?–biker shorts!

    1. “curling up on a chaise longe with the London Times crossword puzzle”

      This was a pause that refreshed in a day of many journeys. =)

    1. “an idyllic quiet broken only by the ripple of the stirring water, the splash of fish rising to flying insects, and the crackle of a driftwood campfire”

      Thank you. This took me to a new place in Houston which I will explore again. I don’t know about fish, but there were definitely some flying insects. I didn’t care, because it was really peaceful.

    1. For Dash:

      “parcel post”

      And really, what dog doesn’t love a mail carrier?

      For Marika:

      “birthday banners”

      Marika, I had to cheat and take one from the archives because, well, it’s NEW ORLEANS!

    1. “the lawn of an old English country house”

      Of course, I didn’t have time to go to England today, but I did get to revisit one of my favorite neighborhoods. Thanks!

      1. No, thank you! That’s a beautiful house and lawn. It would be perfect if “you-know-who” were lying on the lawn shirtless, but it’s lovely by itself too. 🙂

    1. “getting mail”

      Last week from Lisa, and this week from Marika, I got mail that made my mother smile–and that, my friends, gave me the happiness of 14 MILLION things. Thank you.

    1. “taking an art appreciation course at a museum”

      While looking for something else, I stumbled upon this sign that, frankly, rocked my world. Thanks!

    1. “always wanting to be a kid when you grew up”

      No LEGO blocks here, but I think you’re great at taking your inner child wherever you go.

    1. You’re very nice to say so. It was a bit of work for me, but fun! I loved every minute of it because it kept making me look at things in new ways, notice things I hadn’t noticed before, and go places I hadn’t been. It’s always fun to find new places in your city–as you know.

      1. You have totally inspired me… Dash and I are going to do laundry in the early AM … while things are washing, I think that he and I will take a walk around … it;s cool to discover your city

    1. “candied apples”

      Do you have Smarties candy in your part of the world? Rhonda and Lindsey brought me a big bag of Smarties after I finished A COVENTRY WEDDING. Since it’s too late at night for me to make a candied apple (and they’re bad for your teeth, anyway), I made an apple out of Smarties candy.

      Smarties nothing-but-sugar candies are not, of course, bad for one’s teeth at all. 😉

      1. We do have smarties here, but I’m confused! Ours are chocolate with a crunchy coloured coating, sort of like a slightly larger version of an M and M. Never mind.. I’m very impressed with the apple. 🙂

        1. I’ve heard of your Smarties before. There’s a blogger in the Midwest who loves them, and I think someone sends them to her from Canada.

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