The post wherein I spare you misery

If I weren’t so tired and miserable, I might be tempted to do a post on why I’m so tired and miserable. But who wants to hear that anyway?

In the midst of my nogoodverybadhairday life, there was joy and joyness.

Lynne showed up with a fully-cooked meal for everyone at The Compound on Wednesday, including:

A cake for me!

And something I’ve been wanting for a long time, since I tossed my last one onto a yard sale pile years ago, it being labled with things like Here be dragons:

Of course, I wanted to compare the size of Ireland to various states in the U.S., and Lynne kept trying to find the Lost island. Who knows how long we’d have fought over playing with the globe if:

Lindsey and Rhonda hadn’t shown up with Sugar. (Rhonda is nearly obscured by those gorgeous sunflowers, also a gift from Lynne.)

The Brides brought me:

A Barbie and Tanner the dog set, as well as a Tim Gunn book! (Make it work.)

Tim immediately attacked Barbie with a ginormous cell phone, while Tanner looked on. There’s something you should know about Tanner. He came with his own box of dog food. He eats it. AND HE POOPS! Because there can never be enough dog poop at The Compound. Barbie does come equipped with a pooper scooper and a waste basket. And Tanner has his own dog bone, ball, teddy bear, and rope toy. Tanner is spoiled. Almost as spoiled as:

Rex, whose woebegone look has nothing to do with the fact that Tanner is standing on his head, and everything to do with the fact that once the leftover cake was wrapped in plastic, it was put on top of the refrigerator. So there’ll be no more cake incidents followed by assplosions.

It was a good birthday. I got cards and calls and e-mails from all over the world. The day before, I got a call from one of my dearest friends from college, who I’ll get to see the end of June when she comes to Houston. And Tom’s parents sent me:

This stunning orchid, which someone around here is going to have to keep alive.

I’ll be late on Photo Friday. I’ll be back to Hump Day Happy next Wednesday. Maybe I’ll even have some happy news of my own to share next week. That would be fabulous.

Thank you to everyone who remembered my birthday.

26 thoughts on “The post wherein I spare you misery”

    1. Oh, just wait until you’re thirty-five. You’ll like it so much that you’ll celebrate it again and again and again and…

      Thank you. =)

  1. That cake would have done me much greater justice, had I just shoved it into my noodly arms! I’m gonna start doing push-ups and drinking raw eggs until I no longer look like Stretch Armstrong.

    I’ll bet you good money your Orchid last longer than my Calla Lillies…

    1. Yeah, but no one says, “The orchid is in bloom again” in a Katherine Hepburn voice.

      Hey, I know how you can get a workout on those arms. Oh, wait. You already volunteered for that job today. For which I thank you very, very, very much.

  2. Oooh, sorry I missed it! *makes note in diary*

    Belated Happy thirty fifth Birthday wishes!!

    Glad you had such a wonderful time and some fantastic presents . . . especially Phalaenopsis Orchid (a favourite!).

    Wishing you a great year ahead!

  3. Yay! for photos! : )

    I just looked up that Barbie on eBay. What Tanner eats looks suspiciously like what he poops… intriguing.

    I like those sunflowers, and how they’re ribboned-up. Neat idea.

    1. Lynne did that to the sunflowers. She’s very creative.

      As for Tanner, as was mentioned that night as we examined the food/poop, it’s like corn and OKRA that way. 😉

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