Button Sunday

I haven’t done one of these for almost two years, and have only ever done three of them. NO, that is not the beginning of the story! Anyway, I’m not writing this story, you are. You don’t have to put it in my comments (though you certainly can, even just a teaser of it, so I can believe you might be having some fun with it). Write it in your journal, on the back of a piece of paper, in a sketchpad, anywhere you can find.

Below is the writing prompt from this wonderful book. If I were ever to teach a class for people motivated to write, this book would be one of my tools. I can barely flip through the pages without my imagination taking wing.

Try it! Here’s your prompt:

I have been haunting this museum for 39 years. I like to think my presence has helped to keep the place interesting to its clientele. The newspapers call me…..

2 thoughts on “Button Sunday”

  1. the faded pepper pot those humans are now destined to evolve into.

    I am a trapped Dalek. I was shot for a crime I didn’t commit, in an aborted time eddy, that failed to shut down, by a vengeful time traveling archeologist known as River Song. Consequently, the Universe still has a fatal dimensional weakness, and if left unresolved, the cracks will return, and this Universe Dimension will dive into chaos.

    Earth Humans are supposed to evolve into Cybermen, just like their Mondas relatives. I was sent by Davros to follow the Pandorica through time and ensure its prisoner never escapes, to prevent the cracked Universe, to save the Daleks.

    (With apologies to Doctor Who and Terry Nation who created the Daleks.)

    1. Your source material is outside my cultural references, however, I feel like we are experiencing quite a lot of chaos and I NEED this ghost to escape and repair the damage. Then my insomnia might go away.

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