Photo Friday, No. 902

Current Photo Friday theme: Wet

Marina del Rey, California

This was shot on film in 1998, and I uploaded it and another photo from the same place to Flickr in 2008, but I don’t think I ever published either photo on my LiveJournal or this blog.

If there’s a place that haunts me, it’s this one. Maybe, as Stevie Nicks sings,

Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I’m getting older, too


2 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 902”

  1. It rained this morning. Ever since the painters took some (but not all) of what was left of the decades old paint and the seals and just painted over with new paint, the rain can somehow skip the upstairs apartment and trip the ground fault in my apartment bathroom. I’ve even made a video of this, but so far the management hasn’t done anything. So, my next move is written records.

    I think the outside porch light and wiring might be on the bathroom ground fault circuit, not the kitchen’s which is actually closer. The painters seem to have neglected resealing the exterior wood sidings and fixtures. The apartment has been more drafty than before and the tropical storm water last August came through the foundation or where the walls touch the ground. Or there’s a roof leak that stays within the walls and shorts outlets from the wiring within, but I haven’t found any puddles inside yet.

    So, that’s the current wet. I might have been in Del Rey a few years ago. I remember boats and board walks among the piers at several spots along California, but not that far back. I’ve always wanted to build a light house on this desert ex glacier lake bed, more as a joke architecture, but if I ever do, there would also be a pier to tie my car to in case the tide comes back :).

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