Tiny Tuesday! and Song Challenge: Day 5

For some reason Instagram isn’t working for me at all today. I’m taking that as a message to preserve my sanity by knowing as little as possible about how “Super” Tuesday is making people feel and behave. In honor of those who are willing to endure politics with their popcorn, here’s a wee miniature I received recently. Popcorn kernels added for scale.

Since today’s Song Challenge is “A song that needs to be played loud,” I will handle that immediately as I get back to my writing (I don’t know if this song is referenced in the Neverending Saga, but Led Zeppelin is, more than once). “Stairway To Heaven” has meaning in my life, but I feel no compulsion to elaborate. (It’s fine if you’re glad about that.)

What do you like to listen to LOUD?

10 thoughts on “Tiny Tuesday! and Song Challenge: Day 5”

  1. The popcorn stall is very cute!

    How concerned are you that Trump will be president again? I wish Biden would step aside in favour of someone else. He’s simply too old.

    1. I do love the popcorn stall. In reality, it’s a pencil sharpener, as are all my miniatures.

      Trump makes me physically ill, but even harder to bear are the people willing to vote for him. I literally feel sick about this all the time, and that’s why I have to be thoughtful about how much media I endure. He’s certainly not the best candidate who’s a Republican.

      Biden is 81!!!!! is the narrative everyone’s choosing to focus on, instead of all the ways he stabilized the country after the disaster of Trump–that includes an insurrection, a pandemic, and so many other problems Biden inherited. Our economy is stable. He can and does work with both parties, world leaders, and our allies to try to find solutions for terrible conflicts abroad. At home, he wants government to serve the PEOPLE, not himself.

      Is he the ideal candidate? Maybe not. However, despite the fear-mongering about his age, he’s certainly the best candidate of the two. Also, a government is not only a president, and as a REPUBLICAN former president proved (Reagan), having the right cabinet and the right staff can ensure that even a president who’s not as sharp as he once was can still fill that role without everything going off the rails. And one of my least favorite presidents (George W) hardly presented himself as the most astute and intelligent leader of our times, but once again, that’s who REPUBLICANS chose.

      But suddenly this man who’s been handling the job quite consistently and reliably is being held to a much higher standard than the criminal, narcissistic man-child who’s made it quite clear he’s only running to win with the intention of pardoning himself for all the crimes he’s accused of and get revenge on his “enemies.” He cares nothing about this country or the needs and concerns of its people and only about himself, and the only things he wants from his followers are their money and their votes. He won’t repay them by improving any part of their lives (though they seem to be managing quite well during these Biden years, despite all the imaginary boogeymen they foment hate campaigns against). I doubt Trump has anything but contempt for them.

      Shame on us for our unwarranted “ageism” response to Biden. Strange how people (and I mean AMERICANS, who had nothing in the game but sentiment) fervently mourned the death of your 96-year-old monarch and expressed such vitriol toward 75-yo Charles (which over here, at least, has far more to do with Diana vs Camilla than with Charles), and while I know the monarchy isn’t elected and isn’t running the government, what a double standard using ageism against a man who’s been doing the job every day for the last four years. The only other thing they can do is make up insane stories and conspiracy theories about him, but that doesn’t play as well as the message “he’s TOO old.”

      And who’s he to step aside for? There is no front runner behind Biden with a real plan for the country. Dems are mad at him right now for Israel/Gaza, but that’s too profound a nightmare to blame on Biden. I don’t know what candidate they would want, someone who will “save” us? Save us from what, democracy? Biden’s our best hope of keeping 77-yo Trump (and Trump’s enabler and hero, Putin) out of our government. I want to be saved from Trump and this version of the GOP.

      1. I am also tired of the agist and it’s not like that red haired monster is young; that monster isn’t even attractive. That monster is however shockingly worshiped as the Republican God that gets out of jail over and over. I’m not voting for Trump, and I didn’t last time either.

        1. I’m so tired of him. Tired of him in my news feed. Tired of his face everywhere. Tired of people talking about him to the point that I try not to talk about him on here or anywhere else. He did so much damage and gleefully hopes to do more. There’s something very broken about him, but he also breaks other people and brings out their worst.

      2. It’s not Biden’s age as a number that concerns me – it’s that he is showing signs of being doddery. And I’m not holding that against him as such, since I am sure that there are plenty of people around him to ensure that nothing goes awry. I would rather it is Biden’s finger on the button than Trump’s. I had already considered what you said about our monarchy, but the monarch is the head of state – which here is not the political leader of the country – and the monarch’s finger isn’t on the button.

        What worries me is that if the electorate perceive Biden as being doddery they might vote for the only alternative on the ballot. It also worries me that whatever Trump does, people still vote for him – including women and non-whites. Either Trump will be in the White House next year or there will be another invasion of the Capitol. It ultimately doesn’t matter a jot what I think, but who is in the White House does have an impact on a global scale.

        1. One of the issues with Biden is the stutter. Very often, pausing, or even slowing down, to get the words right is exploited as a lapse in cognition. Meanwhile, the so-called “stable genius” rambles on, mixes up names, dates, and places, and his followers don’t care. And the foolishness of what they focus on…outrage that Biden was seen licking an ice cream cone in public. HOW HORRIBLE and yet… I find the other candidate’s bragging about his assaults on women, mocking people with disabilities, and making personal attacks against people for how they look way more disturbing.

          You do make good points, and definitely what we do here can impact the world. Trump seems aligned with Putin in taking away America’s influence in other parts of the world. We don’t always get everything right globally, but Trump’s shift away from our allies is meant to benefit only Trump. Like all of us, Trump won’t be here one day. But the damage he’s doing will remain.

          Historically, Americans are often easily misled into voting against their own or anyone’s best interests, but in my lifetime, never have so many voted against anything that will benefit others. It’s like every idea or suggestion that points the needle toward “good” gets an automatic NO. Even more mysterious is how a belief system that professes to follow the creed of love and generosity votes for hate and avarice, and those two words are personified in Trump.

  2. I want to break free – Queen

    runners up
    On Her Magisty’s Secret Service -Propellerheads
    Savage Garden albums
    You’re a Firework
    The Nutcracker
    So, so what? I’m still a rock star
    Closer (Mikey again, but he blasted that to me in his new pickup)
    Do you hear the people sing/one day more – Les Miserables 10th

    I could go on…

    1. Got my days mixed up and have to edit my comment. I was thinking “dancing” and you were thinking “loud.” BIG songs are meant to be loud, and anything from a musical is BIG.

      Aren’t you glad our lives have a soundtrack?

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