Tiny Tuesday!

After hearing some other people’s nightmarish travel stories, I’m very glad we were all safe and sound at Houndstooth Hall yesterday. We had a quiet dinner, a frenzy of gift opening, and some fun surprises all around.

Here are a couple of small things that will make for good times and convenience.

Tom got me a Barbie coloring book. This will be a lot of fun.

I have a portable pencil carrier given to me by Lindsey and Rhonda a few years back. It has often been a lifesaver when I have long wait times for appointments–my own and those of other people I’ve driven places.

Debby found me an additional pencil case, this one with a capacity for more pencils.

I was able to empty several unopened boxes of pencils that have been waiting in the wings for empty slots to come open. You’ll also see a lot of very used pencils here that I replaced in the other portable case.

Lots of room for more!

In the last section, I’ve put some neons, some flesh colors, some white/gray/black, and a set of glowy pencils. Those white sticks are extra erasers that can be used in the red eraser holder pictured.

Great creativity comes in small packages. =)

2 thoughts on “Tiny Tuesday!”

    1. It also doubles the colors I can take with me. A box of 24 pencils has 48 colors. Some of my colors are repeated because I took them from two unopened boxes by the same manufacturer, and the ones that have been many times sharpened are from older sets that were once in my smaller case until I replaced them–didn’t want to run out of a favorite color when I was in my car or a waiting room! =)

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