Saturday vibe

Tom cleared the space where the Christmas tree will go and brought it in from the Lean To.

When I left to run an errand (also Christmas related–picked up the stationery and envelopes for the 2023 Christmas letter), he’d started putting on the lower branches. When I got back–voila!

He paused before stringing the lights to watch the Alabama-Georgia game, which I’ve been trying not to hear–except I have the score updating on my phone, and it looks like Alabama just gave Georgia their first loss in two years. That’s the extent of football chat here on An Aries (Who Knows Some Stuff). I’d pulled up my manuscript to work on while cooking dinner, but my mind is very much elsewhere, so instead I wrote a poem.

I used a prompt from my Write The Poem book, but only used one of the suggested words because I drew words from my WoodWords set (made by the same company who’s brought us Magnetic Poetry for all these years). I think I was true to the spirit of the prompt, however.


Here’s the poem.

Now hoping to work on the novel. I’ll add my writing music playlist later.

2 thoughts on “Saturday vibe”

  1. My Saturday vibe was clearing up and finalizing furniture -vs- wire arrangements for my new, 3rd set of, Paradigm speakers. My Dad paid me a visit before Halloween, now that he has recovered from his back cyst operation. He “doesn’t” read:”stubbornly does” have a hearing problem, mainly because since around 2010 we the family have to shout normal conversations at him.

    He blew my speakers when I introduced him to The Avengers Assemble movie at louder than -10 dB amplifier scale in an apartment building made of sticks.

    To keep my cool, I tossed out excuses like they were my 2nd pair from 2000 and that the old Yamaha amp was beginning to have problems switching sources through. (I blew the first pair trying to fix a short inside my record player.)

    I have yet to inform him is forbidden to watch TV until he wears his damned hearing aids!!!!!!!! And, as a child and a teebager, he was the one always yelling at me to turn that noise down. Oh, hoe the tables do turn!

    I love your poem, though.

    1. Thank you. I’ve known a few people who turn down or forget their hearing aids because they like to shut out the rest of us from time to time. 🤣

      Thank you for loving the poem.

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