Two friends for “Rome”

“Rome,” so named because Debby’s granddaughter Rome once painted a zebra for her.

Mid-July, I posted a coloring page I did using an iron-on transfer of a zebra I’d saved from the early 1990s. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever used it, but then later, I found a photo of the shirt I’d painted with the zebra and two other carousel animals for Lynne. I showed it to her in comments to that post, and though she didn’t remember it, and I’d forgotten doing it, it does provide proof that the transfers were used, and I likely saved them with thoughts of doing something with them later. When I found them again, coloring seemed like the natural solution.

Here’s the shirt I painted for Lynne. Judging by the dates on the album it was in, it was probably a birthday gift.

Last week when I was doing a lot of coloring during some lengthy phone conversations, I took out the other two carousel animals and colored them. I needed the focus and calm that coloring provides. My book of coloring pages now has Rome’s two friends.

“Pat Dye,” carousel tiger. Pat Dye served with my father in the military and was later a football coach at Auburn University, home of the Auburn Tigers and alma mater of at least five family members. (And biggest football rival of my alma mater, the University of Alabama, where Dye was an assistant coach under the legendary head coach Paul “Bear” Bryant for nine seasons.)

“Duchess,” carousel horse. She got her name from a Palamino horse belonging to one of the characters in the Neverending Saga.

ETA: I texted with my former sister-in-law Terri earlier today to wish her a happy birthday. She’s one of the most dedicated Auburn football fans I know, so in honor of the occasion, “War Eagle!” to Terri.

“War Eagle” is not an Auburn mascot, though the school does have an eagle that flies over the games. “War Eagle” is described as Auburn’s battle cry. “The phrase has a long history and deep significance among the Auburn Family … who use it to greet and identify with each other all over the world,” according to Auburn’s website.

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