Thursday is for thinking

Yesterday was a little bit of a challenge because of come-and-go headaches and not enough sleep. Think I’m getting too much screen time. Though I managed to fall asleep around midnight (last night), I woke up at four AM, drank water, took something for headache and muscle pain, and probably fell asleep for another three to four hours, which to me is a WIN.

So today is a day of trying to stay comfortable (the heat wave continues, and the headache does, too) and away from the computer. I colored this.

This is very much in line with characters in the Neverending Saga. Maybe one of them has had a period of “finding herself,” and I think that’ll happen later for a male character in crisis, but most of the characters have an ongoing process of creating themselves and building their lives with purpose and deliberation.

Thanks to thinking while coloring (this is my writing journal, after all), the left side of those pages is now filled with ideas and possibilities for book seven’s first chapter or section. I’ve paid some bills, responded to calls and texts, and have a dinner menu planned.

It’s Zen time.

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