No Fun Saturday

Usually on April 28 (this year on Friday), I bake a cake or cupcakes and decorate with Pooh characters in honor of our late friend Steve’s birthday. Most years, there are friends or at least the four of us to sing happy birthday and have cake. This year, we had no plans with friends, and Tim was away housesitting, so Tom picked up some Hostess Ding Dongs to split with Debby and me, but we still made it a little festive.

Then today, Saturday, when we woke up, it was to discover Jack had been up most of the night very sick. It’s the weekend, so that meant going to the emergency vet, and Tom took him. They were there for about four hours getting blood drawn, exams, ultrasounds, etc., until they put Jack on an IV with meds and antibiotics. He couldn’t be picked up until 10 p.m. if he was showing improvement.

That generally killed my mental ability to write, because the better part of my mind was on our dog and hoping he was okay/would be okay. Instead, I tackled a project that’s been sitting on the kitchen bar for a few days: purging and organizing my recipes. In addition to my two recipe boxes, I have my mother’s, and a ton of handwritten papers with, or printouts of, recipes given to me or found online by me through the years. They were folded up and stuffed into these boxes or into whatever space I could find for them in my spice cabinet.

Everything is tidy now. All the recipes I wanted to keep have been transferred to index cards and then filed with the category where they belong. It’s going to be a lot easier for me to find what I’m looking for, because I cook a lot and plan to be cooking even more.

Here’s the pile of paper for recycling that will no longer be cluttering up my recipe boxes or my cabinet.

And here’s the dog who’s home, has meds, and needs to be on a special diet for a few days, and doesn’t want to do anything but sleep, not even eat or cuddle with Tom, which is UNHEARD of, because he always wants to be in Tom’s lap. We’re hoping a good night’s sleep will help, and Nurse/Aunt Debby says it can take 12-24 hours before meds they gave him for nausea, that probably make him lethargic, will work their way through his system. I hope tomorrow to be able to share that he’s doing lots better.

4 thoughts on “No Fun Saturday”

  1. I had a dream last night of sledding in the snow in an apartment building parking lot, there was a dog who came over to me and hugged.

    I hope yours gets better soon.

    1. Thank you. He’s finally drinking a little water. Won’t eat yet at all. (What he can eat is limited.) But he seems a little less uncomfortable. We had a long, rough night last night, so all good thoughts are greatly appreciated!

  2. Ding dongs are the best. Thank goodness he has someone to hold his paw. I need a paw holder. I’m coloring today. I’ve had chest X-rays and MRIs on my leg, Uber goober infection… I’m coloring to relax me

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