Midweek and Macbeth

“Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow…”

Part of a passage from Macbeth that I had to memorize in twelfth grade and can still recite from memory. It kept crossing my mind today. I’ve had a brutal week for insomnia, and last night was the worst. So that by this evening, when I cooked dinner, I was on a frustrated version of autopilot, and it didn’t help that I was trying a new recipe for the entrée and also a different way to cook my side dish.

The meal turned out well, despite it all.

I have never really understood the intricacies of my current phone’s camera, but this shot makes me feel like I’m either very tall or a bird equipped with a tracking camera. (I hope I’m a crow or a raven.) The entrée was a pasta dish with kale cooked with caramelized onions, garlic, and diced tomatoes, then mixed with al dente whole wheat spaghetti and topped with toasted walnuts and parmesan cheese. The side dish was eggplant. Added a tossed garden salad and a piece of toasted garlic bread.

Sadly, though everything tasted good, I was so tired that I ate only a small portion of the pasta, a couple of slices of eggplant, and about a third of my piece of bread, though I forced myself to finish my salad. There will be tasty leftovers for lunch tomorrow!

Afterward, Tom cleaned up the kitchen, and I took a long shower, then lay very still listening to music and thinking about my work in progress. Now I’ve taken medication (over the counter; nothing exciting) and hope to get a full night’s rest. Tune in tomorrow for more about Macbeth and to see whether I slept or if I’ve become a full-on zombie.

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