
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TIMMY. (And remembering my mother, whose birth date is also today.)

It’s impossible for me to be idle. So even though I’m doing my best not to look at any screens/monitors/devices, I found a task that’s easier on my eyes.

At some point, I began an album featuring the dogs Tim (and sometimes we) fostered beginning in 2008, with the first rescue he worked with because he saw a plea for help with EZ. I mostly kept it up through all those dogs. When he then became a board member of a different rescue group, and Tom and I volunteered with them, and then I got an actual staff position with them, I continued to keep up with our freedom rides and fosters, and then I was too busy to print pictures and get them in the album, so it became one of those “later, when I have time” things.

My only computer time has been finding photos to have printed, which Tom has repeatedly picked up for me, and now it’s mostly up-to-date. The work I was able to do took me different times of day and late into the night. No stress, no deadline, just a big low-key mess of tape and scissors, pens and stickers, all around me. It was a labor of love, with lots of new handwritten notes about the dogs and all their photos in one place. Maybe when I can spend more time online, I’ll share some of it. It remains a work in progress.

When I woke up Sunday morning, my vision got wonky again. Getting in to see someone as soon as I can when the weekend is over.

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