How was your Hump Day?

I was rocking along Wednesday, taking photos of things, doing a bit more organizing, paying bills, planning a blog post, when an unexpected storm blew up. We got lucky–a big tree fell on the corner down the street from Lynne’s former house (at the end of our street), though Tom said it looks like it probably missed their house, maybe clipping a corner of the garage. We didn’t have any trees fall, but we did lose power. It was restored pretty quickly, for all but twelve houses in our immediate area. We were among the twelve.

We opened windows to get a cross breeze and waited. And waited. And waited. Especially after the sun went down, it was cool enough to have sat outside, except… As a news source noted a few weeks back when we finally got some rain, millions of mosquitos lay dormant through the drought, and they awoke with a vengeance.

Power was finally restored about 2:30 a.m., to the sounds of much limb sawing, workers hollering, etc.–I know our neighbors in the townhome complex whose parking lot they were staged in were delighted, because they HAD power and air conditioning and were trying to sleep. Tom and I sat up listening to it all in the dark, hot office attempting to keep our dogs from howling. The dogs had a VERY long day. I have a little fan that charges like any handheld device, that fortunately was charged, and whenever the heat got too bad, I used it on my face and the back of my neck. That thing was a lifesaver.

When the power returned, Tom and all the dogs went to bed after he put the trash on the curb and took one last outing so the dogs could do their business…some of which had been done in the library earlier. Thank goodness for tile floors. I mopped and sat at my computer finally, which is when I realized that my external keyboard wasn’t working–no problem, I can use the actual laptop keyboard–but our Internet connection wasn’t optimal. So I could reply to comments and slowly load other sites, but I couldn’t get this blog to load well enough to do a post.

While this will be dated with Wednesday’s date, I’m doing it on Thursday. Very S L O W L Y because I’m not fast on this keyboard. Here’s one of the photos I took yesterday to feature this lovely doll I recently found on eBay. She’s from 1999, and since the Cubs are the favorite team of a character in the Neverending Saga, I had to have her. Another character’s favorite team is the Yankees, and there’s a rumor going around that somewhere north of us in Texas, my doll has a Yankees fan friend who will one day join her here at the Hall. =) Love these girls of summer!

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