Read in August

Books that I read in August:

I read The Book of Life, the third book in Deborah Harkness’s All Souls series. I think Tom and Debby may wind up watching the series made from these books. I have one left to read–the fourth one, first one written after “the trilogy” was completed–but I’ve forbidden myself to do so until September. I’ve really enjoyed this series.

Reading Janet Evanovich’s Fortune and Glory: Tantalizing Twenty-Seven and Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight caught me up with her Stephanie Plum series. I think the next one releases in November. I know some readers say they’re repetitive, but for me, there’s comfort in coming back to these characters, and I laugh so much when I read them.

The biography I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead: The Dirty Life and Times of Warren Zevon was written by Zevon’s former wife Crystal Zevon at his wish and under the condition that she tell all the story. He died in 2003 from the effects of mesothelioma. This bio was a lot to process about one of my favorite artists. He had his demons, but some of the best musicians, composers, novelists, journalists, and artist managers of his working decades held his gifts in highest regard. Many of his worst behaviors happened during his blackouts (he was an alcoholic and addict) and he had no memory of them and was horrified and remorseful when made aware. Like many gifted people with his kinds of problems, he could also show extraordinary grace and kindness. To me, Crystal Zevon wrote with honesty and love, which made for a compelling read. I have two additional biographies of him in my TBR pile. I’ve started one of them, but it’s slow going because as I read, I’m doing a deep dive into Zevon’s music as the writer introduces his work from its beginning. I’m hearing songs I’ve never heard before.

Reading slowed down the second half of the month, not just because of my own writing, but because I’ve undertaken several organizing and purging projects. There’s no mystery here. When the world outside presents an abundance of chaos, all out of my control, I try to bring order where I can in the smaller environment of home. If this is something that might work for you, too, I recommend not doing it as I do it. Identify and follow through on one task at a time instead of juggling several at once.

A bright side: I’ve donated good stuff to Goodwill and to the Little Free Libraries around me.

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