Wish you could know their scent

The various things we planted in late May are a good diversion from watching the price our lawn and shrubs are paying for this drought. We have a little more control over the potted plants, and they’ve flowered, lost flowers, greened up, and come back in cycles that are new to us. In addition, Tim has a lot of herbs and Debby a lot of flowers in pots. It does help my perspective to see things thriving despite the weather/climate.

A few of the knockout roses:

Their fragrance is delicate and sweet.

We did get some rain yesterday and maybe a little overnight, too. I’m hoping the scattered showers in the forecast over the next couple of days land on us, too. Houston covers a lot of territory, so predictions of rain are hit and miss.

Meanwhile, in news outside my little world, there have been satisfying moments of seeing justice meted out to some of humanity’s villains. I never know if it’s a good idea to show the restraint on here that I do, but I don’t want to be just more noise amidst the cacophony that bombards us all daily.

So you get flowers.

2 thoughts on “Wish you could know their scent”

    1. I miss roses. I have oleanders that flower and perfume the air nicely, but I have to guard them from the stray cats so that they don’t eat them and die a poisonous death. The roses would be better, but the landlord refused to water them or fix their sprinklers in the desert sand, so they died just after I moved here. So, I never saw the roses; I only saw them sawed away.

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